999 Wizard Names Or Mage Names For Your Characters

We had a Halloween party at our college. I was adamant to become a scary wizard. My motto was to create thrill and amusement. I searched for various scary wizard characters. Finally, I shortlisted a few like Kenneth, Matthias, Podar, Bartley and Zathar. Among these I liked Matthias the most so I finalized it.
At times, I name my near and dear ones with wizards’ names. Sometimes, with love, I give them cute wizard names and sometimes to pull their legs I give scary and creepy names to them. So, here are a few names of wizards to enhance your wizard’s vocabulary!

The recommended cool wizard names are listed below.

Cool mage names

Human Wizard Names

Wizards are a prevalent category in fantasy literature, movies, online roleplaying games, documents, visuals, and tablet RPGs of all kinds. The names of wizards vary greatly from novel to novel and genre to genre. While some people like Lord of the Rings’ fantasy-inspired names, others prefer Harry Potter’s precise names, which stick to real names.

Wizard Names
Ozohr Votorn Ovior Alvezin
Azuronin Elrilore Iprix Ernas
Rhiqor Eremonar Jeldor Olihagan
Zurius Aprix Olore Ironin
Jilius Azahl Dholeus Umonar
Elinaxx Thaqirax Gohagan Erius
Iduldor Anzuprix Theneus Ofeus
Krigeor Zurnas Udor Onujahr
Idrovras Inaxx Ofaris Oroprix
Undephiar Orusior Ebarin Rapius

Given that there are numerous titles for actual names, these human wizard names frequently stick to fairy titles. Numerous names are also excellent choices for mage names.

Romantics again represented them to portray the biblical Satan as an allegory reflecting a crisis of faith, individualism, freedom of will, knowledge, and enlightenment. This faith can be characterized as possessing diametrically opposite views.

Famous Wizard Names

Any person who practises or utilises magic that derives from a supernatural, psychic, or academic source, such as a wizard also known as a mage, Warlock, Witz, enchanter, or spellcaster. Wizards have a long history in myths, stories, literature, and folklore and are well-known characters in fantasy works like role-playing games and fantasy novels.

Here are some examples of well-known wizard names you can use.

Sturgis Podmore Appius
Cadmus Peverell Alatar
Thor Blaise
Caligula Ignotus Peverell
Draco Malfoy Malthus
Dawlish Treanor
Ra Harry Potter
Aldus Xugyrius
Eizo Trixarif
Le Blanc Colin Creevey

I’ve made an effort to make sure that you own all of these fantastical forms, from instantly well-known wonderful names for wizards to less well-known names with demonic or sinister sounds.

If you’re interested in the world of magic, just prefer famous mage names, we’re sure that there would be at least one name you prefer. Just take a look.

Female Wizard Names

Despite being a gender-neutral witch, people tell magic. Witches and wizards do not mix genders, despite what Harry Potter believed. It would be equivalent to calling it “the school of mathematics and mathematics for girls” if it were given the nickname “the school of witchcraft and magic.”

Ibeus Dhewyn Ivuxar Ogirick
Vrolin Damazz Urick Udrunior
Kexium Aneth Qrivior Indomarim
Iphiar Struxar Vowix Vrudalf
Oniqirax Uharad Efaris Jatarum
Stroxium Jumarim Itrix Aguxar
Xuronin Udalf Uprix Gestrum
Inelore Unuzor Ulamonar Inzadarin
Tredalf Gevras Anijahr Ozerhan
Okius Aqihr Iflyn Ulravius

These independent crafts are specialised. The first and only definition I can think of is “sorceress” or “sorcerer.” Although Witch, Wizard, and Warlock are theoretically neutral terms (as far as I’m aware), I believe that we treat them as sexual, etymologically dependent, and inferior, which gives one of them an advantage over the other.

Uvesior Afeus Estrum Ovuphiar
Dolin Arustrum Udefeus Oluphiar
Ashan Ezineus Eruxar Agefarihm
Dhoronin Ilius Rheveus Krojahr
Probeus Inoveus Jovior Azephior
Obeus Rhahith Olvineus Predel
Anitor Orlaneus Adigorim Xeforn
Thidalf Orhan Elzeforn Olrusorin
Rhedel Vuqirax Imorn Stakey
Odarin Odoharad Udel Oharad

In Charmed, the information is rather hazy. The sisters are witches and skilled magicians who regularly use their magic tools. The men and the boys are witches. However, when anyone turns evil, girls and women are referred to as warlocks. I don’t think there are any witches in the Charmed verse, but if there are, they are adept at using magic in all realms.

These names for witches are amazing, and each one has a historical legend attached to them. All of them can be used as first names, but they also make attractive, interesting middle names.

Wizard generally refers to a man and a witch to a woman. In Harry Potter, he was called a sorcerer, a guy who had the same talents as a witch. Even the word wizard is used in fiction as a male wizard. Nevertheless, all words can be used unisexually, and in such a situation, all genders can have this tag.

When the words have been used in the same way, these may mean that individuals perform various forms of magic, as in Discworld, or gender-based names, such as Harry Potter. Although theoretically speaking, Warlock is also the gender word for a male sorcerer.

Male Wizard Names

Harry Potter comes to mind first when we think of male wizards, and there isn’t much to say about him verbally. Since the publication of this massive series, creatures from all over the world have been criticising and demonising witchcraft, wizardry, and warlocks.

Wizard Names

They are now referred to as being mysterious and magnificent. Witches and warlocks are also prominent characters in the popular TV series The Vampire Diaries. It has also exposed individuals to a brand-new, exhilarating, and dark mage names male.

Ozahr Ulikore Uxeor Arhan
Votorn Jixon Ondovior Abahn
Oguneth Olrokey Ineus Shiflyn
Qragast Stoharad Woforn Enitor
Adel Ulehone Indaveus Otrix
Elradium Ozarhan Okore Ebras
Imonar Omaex Afeus Rhaprix
Ilufeus Crorick Udor Joflyn
Inzudore Staprix Vrineth Dhizor
Arhan Edore Ulvidore Vridium

The extent of a wizard’s knowledge is restricted to what a wizard learns and can cast. Its danger can also constrain magic; if a strong magnet can cause significant harm if miscast, wizards might be careful not to use this spell. Every deed of magic in A Wizard of dark wizard names Earthsea distorts the world’s balance, which has far-reaching effects that can impact the whole world and its components. Competent wizards are also wrongly exploiting their magic.

Qedel Qroxium Otorn Qigorim
Qobus Egribras Etaz Idel
Agron Adomaex Iharis Duquam
Ovozahl Ilrivior Pibeus Ulowyn
Ulrador Wethar Uzahr Akey
Pejamar Shibus Vrowix Iretarum
Oduxar Rhataz Qozax Ulvitaz
Dhetorn Ekius Axeor Shamazz
Unozahl Ujamar Arlixar Uprix
Xeqium Ovanorim Treqirax Alenor

Warlock and wizard boys’ distinctive names have a long history. In addition to sounding authoritative, their names often conjure up images of heroic characters from mythology.

Dhafeus Dhafaris Zodor Ozahl
Osim Cribin Usim Paharis
Krofeus Ophior Jedarin Dhohone
Odoqirax Arick Oqor Ufeus
Exeor Qroflyn Oreflyn Aduzax
Apius Emarim Drufarihm Envudel
Iphior Igron Cohagan Otaz
Stineth Pradore Aqihr Unadalf
Iphior Unevior Kizax Invoronin
Uxon Inagorim Orowix Andevior

It can be more difficult to find male names than witch names. Check out the little list of wizard names from male or Warlock’s past and pop culture.

Colin Creevey Knaus
Salazar Slytherin Error
Alcatraz Bormidium
Ajax Voldemort
Reginald Cattermole Yodel
DrukronDrukron Model
Vincent Crabbe Sapan
Alecto Carrow Desire
Albus Genius
Aberforth Dumbledore Zuwena

Dark Wizard Names

Any magical person who mainly studies and performs the Mystic Arts, better known as Mystic Magic, is a Dark Wizard or Witch. They also engage in the illicit breeding of dark animals, use or produce dark objects, or cause damage or death with deadly curses and other dark spells.

Wizard Names
Dobeus Qririus Ogosorin Axon
Indarhan Risior Aras Stunior
Zukore Unorim Shikius Otaz
Uhith Oqihr Ubus Uqium
Jalore Trahagan Rojamar Uvras
Igixeor Irlidore Theshan Ofaris
Uvizahl Rhoqirax Dufarihm Ebeus
Ushan Drivior Grerick Gutaz
Ugineus Ulihone Ezoharis Protarum
Xamarim Praphiar Etorn Todium

Some of Dark Wizards’ mystical techniques include using the Three Unforgivable Trials and other Evil Spells, making or brewing evil and toxic potions, using and making dark or malignant objects, animating Inferi, bringing into being massive armies and ordering them to attack their opponents, along with their breeding, all sorts of dark and deadly animals.

In modern times, Gellert Grindelwald and Lord Voldemort, the latter the most powerful dark wizard ever, have become two enigmatic wizards with extraordinary notoriety. Grindelwald wanted to make the Deathly Hallows the Lord of Death and create a world wizard order that would rule the Greater Good of Muggles, while Voldemort desired unequaled strength, immortality, and purity of blood upon the magical world.

Oludus Agrorius Erune Indigron
Eharis Ebras Ugrelius Ibus
Ivugast Udeqirax Gebin Alzoharad
Tuprix Aqor Taras Izahl
Itaz Adus Staxium Inior
Pifarihm Prazor Cashan Iphiar
Elinitor Ovius Jelius Inzuthar
Grobarin Odebahn Goshan Taxius
Calius Erlijahr Izobarin Uzohr
Voxon Etior Efeus Shonaxx

Below are some of the suggested dark wizard names.

Yardley Platt Peter Pettigrew
Nott Draco Malfoy
Niko Nenad Merula Snyder’s mother
Narcissa Malfoy Merula Snyder’s father
Lucius Malfoy Mulciber II
Morgan le Fay Mulciber I
Merwyn the Malicious Walden Macnair
MacDuff Rabastan Lestrange
Rodolphus Lestrange Bellatrix Lestrange
Corvus Lestrange (IV) Loxias

Evil Wizard Names

When a magician is being discussed is an evil one, the term “sorcerer” is more usually employed. This may be a result of its application in sword and sorcery, where the hero would be the one wielding the blade while leaving the wizardry to his adversary. Witch also has negative associations get more badass wizard names.

evil wizard names
Ogezin Gotorn Udrotorn Ovuqor
Trukalis Idus Orumaex Unorim
Alreqor Ikalis Isorin Undutaz
Axeor Iduldor Alvoneth Iphior
Uzor Aldor Agabahn Stredel
Drineth Eforn Igrarius Imazz
Drozahr Okius Inukey Elore
Jizax Kruxius Utorn Irhan
Dhoras Ezahl Indapius Eharis
Obarin Enaxx Ogroronin Eladarin

The Christian interpretation of the Western mainstream is far from the one society view of the mage. Many communities worldwide have commonly maintained rituals and traditional values, ign for mage users roughly translated as witchcraft, but the English translation masks many manifestations, sorcery, and social practices. 

Oviar Uvius Ewix Umarim
Enitor Dhiras Ilovras Ceprix
Ibus Ahith Azor Irlutaz
Arick Qrirhan Onokron Inurick
Adizohr Asior Kuwyn Amaex
Khorick Agernas Ikey Vozin
Ogapan Eneth Qrirnas Olore
Eruthar Shoharad Arasior Alenor
Imarim Tilin Ivras Egadarin
Abarin Ilvezahl Oshan Uphiar

During the Ages of Colonization, many societies worldwide, frequently followed by an intense Christian missionary effort, became exposed to the new Western world by colonization. The dominant Western conceptions of the period influenced practices relating to witchcraft and sorcery in these societies. Witch hunts, scapegoats, murdering, or shunning accused witches still take place in recent days.

Evusim Rivras Draneus Uvaforn
Dhudel Omazz Premonar Ruveus
Alretarum Edus Oneus Pruqirax
Vunorim Qrukron Alaharis Pamorn
Amorn Ozajamar Gevius Odus
Unorim Ivaxeor Dhiqium Ovoxeor
Utarum Ixon Exium Aguharad
Graharis Ikey Steviar Paqirax
Joquam Eforn Azaqirax Xofaris
Agazahr Vruprix Invaveus Aveus

Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson have introduced the word magic-user as a common expression for a magic practitioner in the original series of Dungeons & Dragons. It prevents connotation of words such as a sorcerer or Warlock that lasted until the latter edge, which means that the magic-user should use the expression magic-user. As a classical character, the magician or magician is characterized by the capacity to cast certain kinds of magic but is weak in the fight; powers can categorize sub-classes in certain areas of magic and other areas of weakness.

Uvaforn Elius Ineforn Ibin
Ruveus Eprix Aflyn Irafaris
Pruqirax Zashan Pretaz Evius
Pamorn Asim Enitor Striquam
Odus Ihone Oshan Orhan
Ovoxeor Tazin Andogeor Ukius
Aguharad Pexon Eguquam Vrogrus
Paqirax Ugasior Adekore Dhubeus
Xofaris Renior Inzipan Duharis
Aveus Enitor Ipius Unvakey

In any case, in the naming section, we have you thoroughly secured. g Take a leaf out of our book of spells and be influenced by the terrifying excellent names of the mage from your beloved on-screen cauldron brewers to out-of-the-world pseudonyms so that your dressing can be like an eternal boss witch! You might also feel too compelled to represent a former spell-caster.

Badass Wizard Names

Anyone who has other than Black Magic taught and employed dark arts is a badass wizard. Whoever is supernatural, also engages themselves in unlawfully breeding creatures, using or making dark objects, harming or killing people with fatal spells, and other charms.

Athar Oprix Irnas Andobeus
Kaldor Ivadalf Ogolenor Atorn
Kirnas Qevras Olixeor Ilvugrus
Drobus Itorn Ulvabarin Endokey
Evelin Idius Aharad Shixon
Qromaex Dotaz Adromazz Eflyn
Alvidor Ezohr Iziqirax Edakore
Ataz Uziqium Shurick Qitrix
Izin Dhohone Elroqium Uharad
Odamonar Oxium Ulrujahr Thutrix

Sorcerers in Conan the Barbarian also derived influence from such books, which are characterized by their peculiar bindings. In Conan, the Primitive people, Sorcerer typically learn spells by reading ancient tomes called grimoires, which have their magical properties.

Irluleus Alzoxius Eganitor Grahagan
Studore Odilore Avazahl Valius
Enzobahn Kroprix Uzafeus Odoquam
Egodor Dhotarum Aras Okey
Koxon Unior Utaz Ilzodor
Uphiar Ixon Esior Ureshan
Uronin Khutarum Ogruzahl Egavius
Vrazahr Orune Crojahr Celenor
Ubarin Unior Idrozahl Ezugorim
Staleus Cogorim Awix Vralius

In worlds in which magic is not a common occurrence, the lack of these unusual books may be an element of history; Prince Rupert searches for enchanted books in Poul Anderson’s An Midsummer Tempest. The same is true of the new series Dragonlance Chronicles by Dungeons and Dragons, wherein Raistlin Majere is searching for the books of Sorcerer Fistandantilus.

Below are some badass wizard names.

Porto Illuminatus
Antonin Dolohov Plasoveus
Interior Reagan
Gilderoy Lockhart Rodolphus Lestrange
Gaon Cyharad
Deus Bowman
Flitwit Edge
Domus Carpenium
Igor Karkaroff Byron
Gandalf News

Old Wizard Names

Magic, which involves illusion, the magic of the stage, and magic of close up, is a performance art in which people are diverted by tricks or projections of almost unlikely accomplishment with a natural shape. It must be separated from paranormal magic that is so-called supernatural-created results. It is one of the world’s oldest acting arts, and the old wizards do not have any comparison with nowadays wizard.

Odroqium Uzapan Tridium Qrozin
Wedium Epius Edium Uvuras
Dravior Ixon Uvonior Stuharis
Erugorim Uzopius Onzopan Uronin
Dhathar Asim Ubin Ajamar
Krizohr Udigorim Inuviar Alzusim
Gratorn Crepan Ovomorn Ovizohr
Eforn Izohr Ivanorim Azohr
Dhathar Rofeus Rhoflyn Athar
Owyn Zegorim Qonaxx Agobahn

The modern magic of entertainment, the magician Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, pioneered in the 19th century, became a popular theatre art genre. In the late 19 and early 20 decades, the Golden Age of Magic was the period of immense commercial success for wizards such as Maskelyne and Devant, Howard Thurston, Harry Kellar, and Harry Houdini.

Wizards are sometimes portrayed as old, white furry, and majestic with long, white beards to harbor wildlife. This portrayal precedes the current genre of fantasy and comes from a typical depiction of wizards like Merlin.

Khudalf Strisior Onaxx Udor
Dorune Irimazz Andaras Olenor
Ogrupan Itior Wujamar Onovius
Egraphior Anviqor Gaxius Gronaxx
Strilore Otrix Adruharad Ezor
Jedore Erhan Jarius Qoldor
Petrix Egezahr Orhan Pitorn
Etarum Ovurune Shizahl Ulius
Ugast Izadore Eludor Rihone
Alvabus Udius Uzax Pafeus

Merlin has played a leading role in literature since sitting on the court of King Arthur. The Shaman used spices, witchcraft, ceremonies, and more for group healing in ancient cultures. Today, the Wiccan faith is home to real-life witches and wizards.

Ophior Vruzahl Qrataz Vruforn
Upan Ejahr Alvosior Alvosim
Grephiar Ikey Stovior Kiquam
Idalf Adel Unzujamar Proleus
Gador Rhuvras Utior Kroharis
Oqirax Ugast Debeus Undubarin
Jiquam Emazz Oronin Oleus
Watrix Elrovior Olore Orluneth
Olvekron Abus Iharis Petarum
Ixon Azin Atrix Duleus

The imagination of witchcraft has been inspired by famous novels like the Harry Potter series. Whether or not there is real magic in the world, these wizard names will inspire you. They can be used for your next plot, favorite video games, or roleplaying live-action game.

Some old wizard names are as follows.

Persephone Cleo Martin
Agnes Nutter Pansy Parkinson
Morgan La Fey Olympe Maxime
Padma Patil The Dark Sorceress
Mona Hallow Riz La Croi
Morag Constance Hardbroom
Maghatch Briony Larkin
Clarissa Sybil Hallow
Narcissa Malfoy Polly Green
Anagrama Hawkin Maharet

Magic is true faiths, ceremonies, and acts intended to influence and manipulate entities and powers, either natural or spiritual. Besides, owing to its different convictions and practices, magic is categorized as independent of science and faith. People who practice magic are called wizards. While, at times in history, connotations vary between positive and negative, magic preserves its significance in many cultures today.

Guideline To Get the Famous Wizard Names

Just realized how peculiar and marvelous titles are to witches and wizards? To become a wizard is an excellent way for your friends and family to inspire you at parties or meetings. You could become a skilled mage if you love to show tricks. You will also have to begin practicing basic tricks so that you can encounter more complicated illusions on the way. 

Start your journey toward becoming a wizard by using the wizard name generator on Dnd to choose a wizard name.

  • You should believe that the first step is to recall names. That may sound dumb, but it’s real. Most people say they have a poor memory, whether they have a simple memory in reality.
  • Build trust in yourself.
  • Choose a name that does not make you feel uncomfortable while saying your name.
  • Keep a creative and unique name.
  • Try to adopt the name as per your characteristics.
  • Choose a name that will describe your quality.
  • Avoid trending names.
  • Avoid too hard spelling names.
  • Select names that are easy to remember.
  • Select a name that will make your unique identity.


In certain rituals, sorcery was summoned, and bad omens were counteracted. Defensive or legal magic was the incantations and rituals in Mesopotamia aimed at altering concrete reality. We all are attracted to wizards because of these skills and the famous mage names.

Specific names for wizards inspired are very distinctive and have a sense of magic and wonder. You can also make a little imaginative and alter these titles to make them look just like you want. I hope you have already selected your human wizard names after getting through with the above wizard name generator.

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Christan Hume

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