You must know that my daughter had a broken tooth and was depressed so to lift her moods, I suggested giving her broken Fairy tooth a name. As soon as she heard this, her mood brightened, and do you know what she named it?
“CUTIE TOOTHY” Isn’t it cute, na?
Therefore, if your child is experiencing this, you should tell them a Tooth Fairy story also , you can choose the names like ROSA, ELLA , BELLA, DAISY , BLOSSOM.
The challenge is getting your child to relate to the story, though. Parents, therefore, struggle greatly to come up with suitable tooth fairy names. Dear parents, we understand your situation.
It’s not simple, managing your child’s amazing tooth fairy. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of unique, original, and kid-friendly tooth fairy names.
These names may be used wherever and whenever you wish. Look over the entire post to discover the tooth fairy names that are most appropriate for your child. Read all the way through.
Female Tooth Fairy Names
Although the name “fairy” is gender-neutral, most people see a female fairy. It makes it simple for parents to link the tooth fairy story with their kids and come up with a fascinating tale.
Here are a few of the carefully selected names for female tooth fairies. Look them up.
Micro | Real | Smile | Soul | Pups |
Invincible | Lily | Era | Rosa | Dreamer |
Creations | Tooth Unicorn | Frolic | Cutay | Lolly |
Bambino | Bear | Pal | Fawn | Tooth Hug |
Valley | Iris | Ella | Bella | Chu-chu |
Dalila | Julie | Vita | Juniper | Glitter |
Hardy | Monkey | Tooth Chirp | Bubs | Rescue |
Essential | Tooth Sense | Tooth Buddies | Tooth Optimum | Jolly |
Way | Adventure | Born | Tooth Rule | Wisdom |
ABC | Stream | Tooth Fever | Crib | Land |
Ward | Power | Born | Time | Wholesome |
- Fairy Micro
- Mate
- Welfare
- Physical
- Support
- Fairy Fawn
- FroliSound
- Youth
- Younoth Bio
- Tooth Paramount
- Fairy Raw
Some catchy interior company names
Clever Tooth Fairy Names
Cheed to combine your creativity with innovative ideas and to assist you with original thought. Take a look at the list of clever tooth fairy names provided below.
Pups | Lifestyle | Pups | Lifestyle | Pups |
Favor | Spirit | Favor | Spirit | Favor |
Guru | Relieve | Guru | Relieve | Guru |
Harmony | Live | Harmony | Live | Harmony |
Tooth Youth | Babies | Youth | Babies | uth |
Check | Wellness | Check | Wellness | Check |
Tooth Wellness | Core | Wellness | Core | Wellness |
Sunny | Fever | Sunny | Fever | Sunny |
Fairy Repair | Crib | Repair | Crib | Repair |
Tooth Recess | Fairy Power | Recess | Power | Recess |
World | Health | Tooth World | Health | World |
ABC | Playground | TooABC | Playground | ABC |
Bub | Fairy Relieve | Bub | Relieve | Bub |
Mindful | Boost | Mindful | Boost | Mindful |
Pop | Astro | Pop | Astro | op |
Healthy | Toon | Fairy Healthy | Toon | Healthy |
Aid | Body | Tooth Aid | Body | Tooth Aid |
Tooth Vibrance | Joey | Tooth Vibrance | Joey | Vibrance |
Pure | Plan | Pure | Fairy Plan | Pure |
Ease | Tooth Good | Ease | Good | Ease |
- Fairy Healthy
- Aid
- Vibrance
- Pure
- Ease
- Fairy Restore
- Quality
- Patrol
- Playful
- Fairy Pathway
- Invincible
- Pups
- Toddler
- Fairy Solution
- Fairy Harmony
- Sharp
- Fairy Vita
- Fairy Toddler
- Tooth Bub
Boy Tooth Fairy Names
You have a difficult task if your child is a boy because even girl children occasionally like the sound of the word “boy tooth fairy.” The names of boy fairies are harder to come up with.
We’ve come up with some of the top boy tooth fairy names. There is no requirement to use different tooth fairy names for boys, but originality is always preferable. View our recommendations here.
Healthy | Toon | Healthy | Toon | Healthy |
Aid | Body | Aid | Body | Aid |
Vibrance | Joey | Vibrance | Joey | Vibrance |
Pure | Plan | Pure | Plan | Pure |
Ease | Good | Ease | Good | Ease |
Fairy Restore | Kid | Restore | Kid | Fairy Restore |
Quality | Power | Quality | Power | Quality |
Tooth Patrol | Playmate | Tooth Patrol | Playmate | Patrol |
Fairy Real | Smile | Micro | Breathe | Natural |
Playful | Essence | Mate | Solution | Progress |
Pathway | Defender | Welfare | Creations | Galore |
Invincible | Pal | Physical | Bambino | Bear |
Pups | Soul | Support | Prosper | Companion |
Toddler | Cleanse | Fawn | Stable | Cleanse |
Solution | Cure | Frolic | Quality | Soul |
Harmony | Hug | Heal | Tooth Essence | Evolution |
Tooth Sharp | Prosper | Tooth Sound | Bazaar | Unicorn |
Vita | Aid | outh | Rangers | Fulfil |
Fairy Toddler | Enhanced | Younger | Rediscover | Acorn |
Tooth Bub | Playmate | Sprites | Acorn | Bulk |
- Playful
- Pathway
- Invincible
- Pups
- Toddler
- Solution
- Harmony
- Sharp
- Vita
- Toddler
- Tooth Bub
- Support
- Bubs
- Optimum
- Tooth Rule
- Crib
- Time
- Way
- Relieve
- Hug
- Shield
Fairy Names Ideas
It will help him or her to resonate with your chosen name. Explore the naming list here.
Cleanse | Bulk | Cleanse | Bulk | Cleanse |
Build | Fortify | Build | tify | Build |
Fairy Edge | Fairy Life | Fairy Edge | Fairy Life | Edge |
Sesame | Play | Sesame | Tooth Play | Fairy Sesame |
Cubs | Wellbeing | Cubs | Wellbeing | Tooth Cubs |
Bub | Fairy Guru | Bub | Guru | Bub |
Health | Acorn | Health | Tooth Acorn | Health |
Ensure | Younger | Ensure | Younger | Ensure |
Rugrat | Buddy | Rugrat | Buddy | ugrat |
Welfare | Detox | Welfare | Detox | Welfare |
Quality | Cleanse | Quality | Cleanse | Quality |
Joey | Wellbeing | Joey | Wellbeing | oey |
Tooth Bazaar | Habit | Bazaar | Tooth Habit | Bazaar |
Galore | Clinic | Galore | Clinic | Tooth Galore |
onnection | Acorn | Connection | Acorn | Connection |
Bliss | Tooth Peewee | Bliss | Peewee | Bliss |
Nurture | Tooth Box | Nurture | Box | Nurture |
Adventure | Elevate | Adventure | Elevate | Adventure |
FaiStork | Patrol | Stork | Fairy Patrol | Stork |
Tooth Sense | Tooth Progress | Sense | Progress | Tooth Sense |
- Cubs
- Bub
- Health
- Ensure
- Rugrat
- Welfare
- Tooth Quality
- Joey
- azaar
- Galore
- Connection
- Fairy Bliss
- Nurture
- Adventure
- Fairy Stork
- Sense
- Happy
- Fairy Footprint
- Tadpole
- Cheer
Click Here: Best Fursona Names Ideas
Tooth Fairy Names In Other Countries
For your child, tooth fairy names should be straightforward, uncomplicated, and regular. Verify if your child can pronounce the name.
Hug | Enjoy | Buddy | Supreme | Tooth Thrive |
Shield | Healthy | Motivate | Jolly | Haven |
Enjoy | Aplenty | Happy | Sharpen | Bliss |
Design | Mania | Tots | Bear | Fairy Monkey |
Monkey | Funland | Fairy Edge | Monkey | Funland |
Lifestyle | Pups | Tooth Pups | Lifestyle | Pups |
Spirit | avor | Favor | Spirit | Favor |
Relieve | Guru | Guru | Relieve | Guru |
Energy Fairy | Harmony | Harmony | Live | Harmony |
Nurse Fairy | Fairylia | Tooth Youth | Babies | Balance Fairy |
Wellness | Check | Fairy Check | Little Tooth | eck |
Fairy Core | Fairy Edge | Toothlytical | Fairy Core | Energy Fairy |
Fever | Sunny | Sunny | Fever | Sunny |
Crib | Repair | Repair | Crib | Repair |
Power | Recess | Recess | Power | Recess |
Health | Tooth World | World | Fairy Health | Toothlytical |
Playground | ABC | Little Tooth | Playground | Energy Fairy |
Relieve | Bub | Bub | Relieve | Fairy Bub |
Boost | Toothiva | Mindful | Boost | Tooth Mindful |
Astro | Toothlytical | Pop | Astro | Tooth Pop |
Toon | Healthy | Healthy | Toon | Healthy |
- Enjoy
- Design
- Monkey
- Lifestyle
- Spirit
- Relieve
- Live
- Babies
- Wellness
- Core
- Fever
- Crib
- Power
- Health
- Playground
- Relieve
- Boost
- Astro
- Oon Body
Girls Fairy Names
You can give the tooth fairy a nickname based on your child’s preferences. If your child enjoys the sky, you may name the tooth fairy Sky girl, Sky Bliss, etc. You can also use a different name if your child’s interests lie elsewhere.
Then use them as a reference to come up with rare naming ideas for tooth fairy names. You can take the help of our suggested names given below.
Tooth Pups | Soul | Support | Prosper | Companion |
Oddler | Cleanse | Fawn | Stable | Unicorn |
Sky | Daffodil | Lily | Ella | Bella |
Tooth Bub | Playmate | Sprites | Acorn | bulk |
Support | Younger | Sidekick | Tadpole | Better |
Crib | Fairy Patrol | ABC | Stream | Adventure |
Tulip | Twinkle | Toes | Dandelion | Belle |
Fairy Hug | Enjoy | Buddy | Supreme | Thrive |
Design | Tooth Mania | Tots | Bear | Monkey |
Aplenty | Happy | Sharpen | Bliss | Haven |
Jolly | Tooth Ninja | Olea | Golden | Petal |
Wren | Lula | Heart | Evis | Twig |
Swan | Pepper | Briar | Dawn | Merry |
Crown | Lace | Sprig | Chimmi | Lulu |
Sorrel | Lux | Colla | Tansy | Raven |
- Pathway
- Invincible
- Pups
- Toddler
- Fairy Solution
- Harmony
- Sharp
- Vita
- Toddler
- Tooth Bub
- Fairy Support
- Tooth Bubs
- Optimum
- RuleRelieve
- Hug
- Fairy Shield
Irish Tooth Fairy Names
Don’t pick names that are challenging to pronounce. Be wise when your child inquires about the names of the tooth fairies. Your child can learn to write letters to the tooth fairy.
This will improve the child’s mental capacity. Names that are simple to spell and pick up quickly are advantages. Try giving any of your common names a last name or other combined name to make them sound more lovely.
A list of Irish tooth fairy names is provided below.
Fairy Harmony | Live | Harmony | Toothiva | Harmony |
Tooth Youth | Babies | Little Tooth | Babies | Toothiva |
Fairy Check | Wellness | Fairy Check | Wellness | Check |
Wellness | Core | Wellness | Core | Wellness |
Sunny | Fever | Sunny | Fever | Little Tooth |
Repair | Crib | Repair | Crib | Repair |
Recess | ower | Recess | Power | Recess |
Vibrance | Health | Toothlytical | Health | world |
ABC | Playground | Little Tooth | Playground | Toothiva |
Fairy Bub | Relieve | Alston | Relieve | Toothlytical |
Mindful | Boost | Mindful | Boost | Mindful |
Pop | Astro | Pop | Astro | Pop |
ealthy | Toon | Healthy | Toon | Healthy |
Aid | Body | Aid | Body | Aid |
Vibrance | Joey | Vibrance | Joey | Vibrance |
Fairy Pure | Plan | Pure | lan | Pure |
Ease | Good | Ease | Good | Ease |
Restore | Kid | Fairy Restore | Kid | Restore |
Fairy Quality | Power | Quality | Power | Quality |
Tooth Patrol | Fairy Playmate | Patrol | Playmate | Patrol |
- Smile
- Tooth Essence
- Tooth Defender
- Pal
- Soul
- Cleanse
- Tooth Cure
- Tooth Hug
- Tooth Prosper
- Fairy Aid
- Tooth Enhanced
- Tooth Playmate
- Younger
- Rescue
- Jolly
- Wisdom
- Fairy Patrol
- Tooth Wholesome
- Fairy Sound
- Land
- Enjoy
- Tooth Healthy
Silly Tooth Fairy Names
If your child is interested in tooth fairy names, why not also check out these silly Names For tooth fairy?
Sparkle | Glow | Beatrice | Valley | Starlight |
Daisy | Faye | Lily | Sunrise | Twinkle |
Glitter | Song | Iris | Foxglove | Blossom |
Bayberry | Cricket | Ella | Rose | Ginger |
Bell | Sky | Rosa | Meadow | Glitter |
Buttercup | Nightshad | Cosmo | Smile | Crabapple |
Daybreak | Gardenia | Ariel | Celine | Jewel |
Carnation | Clover | Gwendolyn | Cypress | Juniper |
Bellflower | Daffodil | Pixie | Illi | Bella |
The greatest technique to come up with tooth fairy names is to choose a clever and humorous name if you have exhausted all other possibilities. Try using witty terms or your child’s favorite words.
To Summarise
Our final piece of advice is to pick a name that your kids love. Choose a name that has the most meaning for your child. Create positive associations with that name.
Please post your more original naming ideas in the comments area if you have any. Further ideas can be found in our other naming suggestions and articles. Click here to read those.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What’s a good name for the tooth fairy?
A short and simple name that matches the interest of your kid, can be a good name for the tooth fairy.
2. What are some good fairy names?
Names like Ariel, Peter, Fawn, and Tianna are some of the good fairy names.
3. How does the Tooth Fairy know your name?
It’s because of one of the magic of tooth fairies. They know the name of the children who gives a tooth.
4. Is the Tooth Fairy real or is it your parents?
No, it’s not real, but to keep your children occupied, it’s better to keep the real part hidden.
Read More: Best Catchy And Cool Fursona Names Ideas