The Definitive Guide to Fort Bend Divorce Process

Are you about to get divorced but don’t know where to start? We are here to help you with this! In this post, we will tell you about the way marriage dissolution is conducted in Fort Bend, Texas. 

You may think that dissolving a marriage is an impossible mission to get done on your own; however, many couples worldwide manage to do that without attorneys, mediators, and the expenses they bring. How do they do that? They just know the right approach to divorce and have a plan. Below, you can see a guide tofiling for divorce in Fort Bend County, Texas. 

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Learn the stages of the process

First of all, you need to dedicate some time to educating yourself on how to divorce in Fort Bend County. Learning the requirements that you should meet, steps that you should take to file for marriage dissolution in Fort Bend, and deadlines you need to follow will help you to perceive this process as a project that you need to get done rather than a stressful event that is driving you nuts. 

Fill out the necessary forms 

Second, to file for divorce in Fort Bend County, you need to collect the necessary forms and fill out them. You can do that online through the respective services of paperwork preparation or on your own. Keep in mind that these papers should be completed flawlessly, so get ready to fill out them multiple times before you stop making errors. The Fort Bend County divorce e file services can do that in less than a day for you. 

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Bring your pack of papers to the court and pay for the filing

Once your papers are completed and gathered, you can bring them to the court to submit them and register your case. Also, you will need to pay for the registration and discovery of your documents. In Fort Bend County, the fee is $300, although it may vary slightly from court to court. 

We suggest that you contact your county clerk to find out the exact price for submitting marriage dissolution papers at the moment and the working hours of their office. You’ll need this to make sure that the filing will be done on time. 

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Make a copy of your documents and deliver them to your partner

Now that you’ve submitted the documents to the court, you have to make copies of each paper to deliver them to your wife or husband. It’s needed to inform them that the case has just been started and that they need to participate in it. They will have to acknowledge that they received the papers by the next procedural action. 

Make sure your partner confirmed that they got divorce papers

After receiving the papers, your partner has to sign the paper confirming that they received your divorce petition and other papers and that they know that they are the party to the case from now on. This is for the court to see that your wife or husband takes part in the process and is not missing. Your partner is a respondent to your claims in court even if you are not going to contest anything during the hearing. 

Establish the agreement on the terms of your divorce

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To fasten your case review and avoid multiple court hearings, encourage your partner to compromise and have it written on paper. Such a deal is called a settlement agreement and it is needed to demonstrate to the court your determination to get divorced peacefully. Therefore, don’t skip this stage in your marriage dissolution process even if it seems impossible to agree from the first attempt. 

Wait the necessary period 

After you and your spouse fulfilled their role in the process, you need to wait a certain period defined by law. This is for a judge to discover the documents that you provided and understand how your couple should be separated. In Fort Bend, this period is 60 days from the day when you’ve registered your papers in court. 

Arrive at the appointed hearing

Once 60 days pass, you will have to come to the court for a hearing where you will meet a judge. Be sure to bring your settlement agreement with you so that they can evaluate its accuracy and relevance to the current divorce laws. At this point, you can’t add any arguments or suggestions to the case solution. All your claims and agreements should have been laid out in a settlement agreement. Attractive tiefling names Ideas

Get your divorce certificate

The final stage of marriage dissolution in Fort Bend is getting a marriage dissolution certificate or decree. This document confirms that your marriage doesn’t exist anymore and that you can start a new marriage if you wish in the future.



Shashank Jain, founder of good-name, a young and energetic entrepreneur has always been fond of technology. His liking for technology made him go for engineering in computers. During his studies, he learned & worked on different computer languages & OS including HBCD, Linux, etc. He also has a keen interest in ethical hacking.

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