
999+ Cool & Catchy Stripper Names

Exotic dancers usually seem to be Stripper Names who provide adult entertainment by striptease. They are trendy in famous clubs and bars.

Also, strippers are invited to high-profile private events. To become a professional stripper, the dancer needs a specific stripper name.

They need a name, whether these be funny stripper names or exotic stripper names.

They may have various stage names used in different clubs or parties. These names are usually based on current events or famous cultural preferences.

Name is essential for every stripper. This name can either help them become successful or make them fail in their career.

It happens because the name of a stripper is a significant part of their experience, and it represents their personality.

Their names make them notable among the crowd. Therefore it is essential to find a significant and memorable name that fits a stripper’s personality.

Besides, the proper name enhances their confidence as well. For instance, if you take the name ‘Lily’- it is simple yet attractive. But if the name turns into ‘Lily Love,’ it becomes more sensual and alluring.

And that is what is necessary for the stripper to make a stand among other strippers. Also, many strippers don’t prefer to use their original names.

Therefore they must need some funny stripper names or sexy stripper names

Now let’s have a look at some stripper names with their meaning;

Shay- It is an old-fashioned stripper name. Yet it is one of the hottest unisex stripper names. Shay means admirable.

Demi- It is a trendy French name that means small or half. It is also a unisex name used by both male and female strippers.

Nina- This name has different earnings. In Spanish, Nina means little girl. Whether in Quechua, it represents fire, and it is a female stripper’s name.

Tasha- This Russian name means Christmas Day or birthday. The name Tasha is associated with celebration, and this name is also suitable for female strippers.

Skyla- The name belongs to the Dutch language. Skyla means a scholar or something related to acquiring knowledge, and it is a female stripper’s name.                    

Male Stripper Names

Like female strippers, there are male strippers as well. Here we will include some male stripper names that will give them a different and unique identity.

Stripperonus Scope Stripperorzo Move Article
Fetching Stripper Warm Stripper Pop Grail Idol
Chaos Shape Collab Clique Optimize
Battle Home lia Aim OT
Flare sy Aid Enviable Essentials
Aristocrat Hottie Workman Void Sterling
porium Glamour Winter lytical Lily
Sheer lada Pin-Up Help Flow
Direct Contact Master Society Hungry
fluent works TInted Bounty Total
Monsters Sanctuary cog Grill Dream
oont Grip Meet omatic Hearthstone
able Zeus genix Fantastic Modular
Addict Focus Phoenix Crush Shenanigan
que adil Gaming Vibration Tooth
Male stripper names
Sight Sleuth Support Nexus Notice
Bros Inspect Blessing aholic Grabber
Tenant Able Flex ish Royal
Artful Bold Places Expand Bites
City Spots Boss Claim Silhouette
Gardens Precious ella Very Cherry
Habitat Dashboard Allure Otaku Swift
Field ex Dud Power Start
Savers Managed Connect Dreamy Mod
onus Scope orzo Move Article
Fetching Warm Pop Grail Idol
Chaos Shape Collab Clique Optimize
Battle Home lia Aim OT
Flare sy Aid Enviable Essentials
Aristocrat Hottie Workman Void Sterling
  • Stripperonus
  • Fetching
  • Chaos
  • Battle
  • Flare
  • Aristocrat
  • Stripperporium
  • Sheer
  • Direct
  • Stripperfluent
  • Monsters
  • Stripperoont
  • Stripperable
  • Addict
  • Stripperque
  • Sight
  • Bros
  • Tenant
  • Artful
  • City

Girl Stripper Names

Usually, girl strippers are pretty famous, and their demand is always high. Therefore the number of girl strippers is increasing day by day.

Also Read: Best Dunmer Names

Besides, their salary is higher than a man or boy stripper. It happens due to their high demands. If someone wants to be a girl stripper, she needs a perfect name also. Here we are with several girl stripper names;

Flare sy Aid Enviable Essentials
Aristocrat Hottie Workman Void Sterling
porium Glamour Winter lytical Lily
Sheer lada Pin-Up Help Flow
Direct Contact Master Society Hungry
fluent works TInted Bounty Total
Monsters Sanctuary cog Grill Dream
oont Grip Meet omatic Hearthstone
able Zeus genix Fantastic Modular
Addict Focus Phoenix Crush Shenanigan
que adil Gaming Vibration Tooth
Sight Sleuth Support Nexus Notice
Bros Inspect Blessing aholic Grabber
Girl stripper names
Direct Contact Master Society Hungry
fluent works TInted Bounty Total
Monsters Sanctuary cog Grill Dream
oont Grip Meet omatic Hearthstone
able Zeus genix Fantastic Modular
Addict Focus Phoenix Crush Shenanigan
que adil Gaming Vibration Tooth
Sight Sleuth Support Nexus Notice
Bros Inspect Blessing aholic Grabber
Tenant Able Flex ish Royal
Artful Bold Places Expand Bites
City Spots Boss Claim Silhouette
Gardens Precious ella Very Cherry
  • Aristocrat
  • Stripperporium
  • Sheer
  • Direct
  • Stripperfluent
  • Monsters
  • Stripperoont
  • Stripperable
  • Addict
  • Stripperque
  • Sight
  • Bros
  • Tenant
  • Artful
  • City
  • Gardens
  • Habitat
  • Field
  • Savers
  • Stripperonus
  • Fetching
  • Chaos
  • Battle
  • Flare

Female Stripper Names

There are different types of strippers, like male and female strippers. Also, gay and lesbian strippers are available out there. Female strippers do nude dances to entertain people to earn money.

In 1970 strip dancing started in the western region. Usually, females used to do strip dances in clubs and bars.

Later, strip dancing got popular among the girls as the boys also started their careers as strip dancers. Now let’s have a look at the female stripper names.

porium Glamour Winter lytical Lily
Sheer lada Pin-Up Help Flow
Direct Contact Master Society Hungry
fluent works TInted Bounty Total
Monsters Sanctuary cog Grill Dream
oont Grip Meet omatic Hearthstone
able Zeus genix Fantastic Modular
Addict Focus Phoenix Crush Shenanigan
que adil Gaming Vibration Tooth
Sight Sleuth Support Nexus Notice
Bros Inspect Blessing aholic Grabber
Tenant Able Flex ish Royal
Artful Bold Places Expand Bites
City Spots Boss Claim Silhouette
Female stripper names
Gardens Precious ella Very Cherry
Habitat Dashboard Allure Otaku Swift
Field ex Dud Power Start
Savers Managed Connect Dreamy Mod
Move Article onus Scope orzo
Grail Idol Fetching Warm Pop
Clique Optimize Chaos Shape Collab
Aim OT Battle Home lia
Enviable Essentials Flare sy Aid
Void Sterling Aristocrat Hottie Workman
lytical Lily porium Glamour Winter
Help Flow Sheer lada Pin-Up
Society Hungry Direct Contact Master
  • Artful
  • City
  • Gardens
  • Habitat
  • Field
  • Savers
  • Move Grail
  • Clique
  • Aim
  • Enviable
  • Void
  • Stripperlytical
  • Help
  • Society
  • Bounty
  • Grill
  • Stripperomatic
  • Fantastic
  • Crush
  • Vibration

Sexy Stripper Names

Usually, nude dancers use stripper names who dance in the nightclub. They do the pole and stage dance in the lounges. Strippers are also invited to the bachelor’s parties.

At such parties, they dance sensually to entertain the guests. Now let’s have a look at some sexy stripper names;

Nexus Notice Sight Sleuth Support
aholic Grabber Bros Inspect Blessing
ish Royal Tenant Able Flex
Expand Bites Artful Bold Places
Claim Silhouette City Spots Boss
Very Cherry Gardens Precious ella
Otaku Swift Habitat Dashboard Allure
Power Start Field ex Dud
Dreamy Mod Savers Managed Connect
Move Article onus Scope orzo
Grail Idol Fetching Warm Pop
Sexy stripper names
Very Cherry Gardens Precious ella
Otaku Swift Habitat Dashboard Allure
Power Start Field ex Dud
Dreamy Mod Savers Managed Connect
Move Article onus Scope orzo
Grail Idol Fetching Warm Pop
Clique Optimize Chaos Shape Collab
Aim OT Battle Home lia
Enviable Essentials Flare sy Aid
Void Sterling Aristocrat Hottie Workman
lytical Lily porium Glamour Winter
  • Claim
  • Very
  • Otaku
  • Pow
  • Dreamy
  • Mov
  • Grail
  • Clique Strippeble
  • Void
  • Stripperlytical
  • Help
  • Society
  • Bounty
  • Grill
  • Stripperomatic
  • Fantastic

Exotic Stripper Names

Now we are going to provide exotic stripper names. These names are very exotic for the strippers as these names are desirable.

Visit Us: Best & Unique Victorian Names

So, the customers will look for such strippers whenever they plan for a private party or bachelor’s party.

Very Cherry Gardens Precious ella
Otaku Swift Habitat Dashboard Allure
Power Start Field ex Dud
Dreamy Mod Savers Managed Connect
Move Article onus Scope orzo
Grail Idol Fetching Warm Pop
Clique Optimize Chaos Shape Collab
Aim OT Battle Home lia
Enviable Essentials Flare sy Aid
Void Sterling Aristocrat Hottie Workman
lytical Lily porium Glamour Winter
Help Flow Sheer lada Pin-Up
Exotic stripper names
Society Hungry Direct Contact Master
Bounty Total fluent works TInted
Grill Dream Monsters Sanctuary cog
omatic Hearthstone oont Grip Meet
Fantastic Modular able Zeus genix
Crush Shenanigan Addict Focus Phoenix
Vibration Tooth que adil Gaming
Nexus Notice Sight Sleuth Support
aholic Grabber Bros Inspect Blessing
ish Royal Tenant Able Flex
Expand Bites Artful Bold Places
  • Help
  • Society
  • Bounty
  • Grill
  • Stripperomatic
  • Fantastic
  • Crush
  • Vibration
  • Nexus
  • Stripperaholic
  • Stripperish
  • Expand
  • Claim
  • Very
  • Otaku
  • Power
  • Dreamy
  • Slam

Best Stripper Names

The best stripper names can be used as an adjective. Also, they share the name of a famous city. Here we are with the best stripper names.

Movement Prince Movement Prince Movement
Skedaddle Vengeance Skedaddle Vengeance Skedaddle
Unison Bank Unison Bank Unison
Spectator Medium Spectator Medium Spectator
Duel Nerd Duel Nerd Duel
Store Rested Store Rested Store
Genius Ora Genius Ora Genius
Society Simple Society Simple Society
Project Angora Project Angora Project
Innovate Beats Innovate Beats Innovate
Best stripper names
Stunt Venus Stunt Venus Stunt
Tap Bottle Tap Bottle Tap
Artic Ringer Artic Ringer Artic
Scan Guerilla Scan Guerilla Scan
Radiate Matrix Radiate Matrix Radiate
Universal Evermore Universal Evermore Universal
Radiance Macho Radiance Macho Radiance
Value HQ Value HQ Value
Transport House Transport House Transport
Anga Linked Anga Linked Anga
Gawk Vibration Gawk Vibration Gawk
Crave Halo Crave Halo Crave
Dynasty Embrace Dynasty Embrace Dynasty
  • Stor
  • Genius
  • Society
  • Project
  • Innovat
  • Stunt
  • Tap
  • Artic
  • Scan
  • Radiate
  • Universal
  • Radiance
  • Transport
  • Anga
  • Crave
  • Dynasty

Good Stripper Names

Good stripper names may be suitable for both male and female strippers.

These names help them get a significant stand among other strippers and rock in their profession.

Universal Evermore Universal Evermore Universal
Radiance Macho Radiance Macho Radiance
Value HQ Value HQ Value
Transport House Transport House Transport
Anga Linked Anga Linked Anga
Gawk Vibration Gawk Vibration Gawk
Crave Halo Crave Halo Crave
Dynasty Embrace Dynasty Embrace Dynasty
Brewers Outpost Brewers Outpost Brewers
Wild Illuminate Wild Illuminate Wild
Magnolia Willow Magnolia Willow Magnolia
Hue Dreamland Hue Dreamland Hue
Globe Eclipse Globe Eclipse Globe
Good Stripper Names
Marine Chew Marine Chew Marine
Charm Clear Charm Clear Charm
Bia Bean Bia Bean Bia
Dept Band Dept Band Dept
Box Bit Box Bit Box
Fury Ward Fury Ward Fury
Arcane Alpha Arcane Alpha Arcane
Cactus Jet Cactus Jet Cactus
Bunco Hub Bunco Hub Bunco
Form Hotspot Form Hotspot Form
Plethora Friend Plethora Friend Plethora
Course Advantage Course Advantage Course
Overload Landscape Overload Landscape Overload
  • Scan
  • Radiate
  • Universal
  • Radiance
  • Value
  • Transport
  • Anga
  • Gawk
  • Crave
  • Dynasty
  • Brewers
  • Wild
  • Magnolia
  • Hue
  • Globe
  • Marine
  • Charm
  • Bia

Funny Stripper Names

If someone wants to become a stripper and be funny and sexy, you need funny stripper names. Here are some suitable names;

Genius Ora Genius Ora Genius
Society Simple Society Simple Society
Project Angora Project Angora Project
Innovate Beats Innovate Beats Innovate
Stunt Venus Stunt Venus Stunt
Tap Bottle Tap Bottle Tap
Artic Ringer Artic Ringer Artic
Scan Guerilla Scan Guerilla Scan
Radiate Matrix Radiate Matrix Radiate
Universal Evermore Universal Evermore Universal
Radiance Macho Radiance Macho Radiance
Funny stripper names
Transport House Transport House Transport
Anga Linked Anga Linked Anga
Gawk Vibration Gawk Vibration Gawk
Crave Halo Crave Halo Crave
Dynasty Embrace Dynasty Embrace Dynasty
Brewers Outpost Brewers Outpost Brewers
Wild Illuminate Wild Illuminate Wild
Magnolia Willow Magnolia Willow Magnolia
Hue Dreamland Hue Dreamland Hue
Globe Eclipse Globe Eclipse Globe
Marine Chew Marine Chew Marine
  • Value
  • Transport
  • Anga
  • Gawk
  • Crave
  • Brewers
  • Wild
  • Magnolia
  • Hue
  • Globe
  • Marine
  • Charm
  • Bia
  • Dep
  • Box

Top Stripper Names

Here we are going to provide the top stripper names. These strippers are pretty famous in their profession.

Innovate Beats Innovate Beats Innovate
Stunt Venus Stunt Venus Stunt
Tap Bottle Tap Bottle Tap
Artic Ringer Artic Ringer Artic
Scan Guerilla Scan Guerilla Scan
Radiate Matrix Radiate Matrix Radiate
Universal Evermore Universal Evermore Universal
Radiance Macho Radiance Macho Radiance
Value HQ Value HQ Value
Transport House Transport House Transport
Anga Linked Anga Linked Anga
Top stripper names
Gawk Vibration Gawk Vibration Gawk
Crave Halo Crave Halo Crave
Dynasty Embrace Dynasty Embrace Dynasty
Brewers Outpost Brewers Outpost Brewers
Wild Illuminate Wild Illuminate Wild
Magnolia Willow Magnolia Willow Magnolia
Hue Dreamland Hue Dreamland Hue
Globe Eclipse Globe Eclipse Globe
Marine Chew Marine Chew Marine
Charm Clear Charm Clear Charm
Bia Bean Bia Bean Bia
  • Gawk
  • Crave
  • Dynasty
  • Brewers
  • Wild
  • Magnolia
  • Hue
  • Globe
  • Marine
  • Charm
  • Bia
  • Dept
  • Box
  • Fury
  • Arcane
  • Cactus
  • Bunco
  • Form
  • Plethora


1. Most popular stripper names?

Some of the most famous stripper names are; Annie Peters, Keira Lucky, Wansa Storm, Sabrina Kane, Megan Moon, etc.   

2. What are the stripper names?

Dancers who do strip dance use stripper names. Usually, they don’t prefer to reveal their original identity, and therefore they use stripper names. Such common stripper names are Demi, Ella, Amy, Andre, and Skylar.           

3. Who can use these stripper names?   

To be a professional stripper, dancers use the stripper names. So, if anyone wants to step into this profession, they can use these names.


So, that’s all about the funny stripper names. However, we have shared several other variants as well. Here we have mentioned the most popular and exotic stripper names.

By using these names, strippers can get a different identity and excel in their profession.

Read More: Dunmer Names For Your Elder Scrolls Characters

Aniket Jain

Hi there, My self Aniket Jain. A virtual SEO expert, content writer, and digital marketer. Works with lots of passion, hardly dedicated to what's best and what's next ✌️. Hope u all like my work ✌️

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