The Vulcanian or better call it the Vulcan, are capable humanoid species from the planet.
Once long back in history, the Vulcans were an extremely violent and emotional kind. Waging wars on one another was almost common back then.
They had variety in God, similar to us, such as war, peace and death. At one point, their behaviour threatened their extinction. That was the time for them to stop.
The Vulcans are pretty much bold for us humans. And the truth is Vulcan was way more advanced than humans, whether in terms of progress or mentality.
Their names indeed present their intelligence with no limitations. So, take your pick from the below list and make sure that the name you pick certainly impresses your friends.
Vulcan Names Generator
Vulcan names were short, probably with 2-3 syllables long and usually followed certain conventions at first but were not compulsory.
Some of the below names are generated from that convention.
T’prur | T’pessai | Spom | Hairuth | Fauk |
Senn | V’lan | Ster | Strenik | Stiassat |
Ema | Esar | Polvur | T’por | V’lak |
Arrer | Spian | T’peth | T’plel | T’pal |
Hum | T’plol | T’hin | T’paik | Vinveth |
Mur | T’mai | Hairuth | Jossak | Dutuk |
T’ple | Synn | Strenik | Sauk | Fi |
Vinn | Stilkiav | Fustrat | T’pruth | Spiath |
Hum | T’plol | T’hin | T’paik | Vinveth |
Mur | T’mai | Hairuth | Jossak | Dutuk |
T’ple | Synn | Strenik | Sauk | Fi |
Vinn | Stilkiav | Fustrat | T’pruth | Spiath |
T’pli | Huteng | Vark | T’pos | T’mainner |
Haa | Pock | V’lumuk | Nith | Pov |
T’Kunn | Chitonn | Spovut | Taafec | Stitt |
- T’prur
- Senn
- Ema
- Arrer
- Hum
- Mur
- T’ple
- Vinn
- T’pli
- Haa
- T’Kunn
- Nennen
Vulcan Names Male
Earlier, most Vulcan Male names started with ‘S’ and ended with ‘K’. But later, they ended with consonants rather than a vowel.
You can refer to the list below.
Nennen | T’plailuth | Ster | T’prel | Hy |
V’Linaa | Vaath | Polvur | Fosaus | T’hin |
T’ralik | Strurik | T’peth | Syss | T’Kess |
Sivus | T’planves | T’hin | Pokkiak | Nisseth |
Skossytt | Nykkek | Hairuth | Fava | Vuth |
Hyllytt | V’larros | Strenik | Skoss | T’preko |
Skurrul | T’Kak | Fustrat | Sunot | T’shatuk |
T’mes | Dyllol | Vark | T’lovak | Je |
Harraar | Saavyth | V’lumuk | T’Kysiv | T’rimar |
Sivus | T’planves | T’hin | Pokkiak | Nisseth |
Skossytt | Nykkek | Hairuth | Fava | Vuth |
Hyllytt | V’larros | Strenik | Skoss | T’preko |
Skurrul | T’Kak | Fustrat | Sunot | T’shatuk |
T’mes | Dyllol | Vark | T’lovak | Je |
Harraar | Saavyth | V’lumuk | T’Kysiv | T’rimar |
Stott | Linnor | Spovut | Fess | Lori |
V’len | Silerk | Silerk | Spujinn | Neran |
T’ping | T’lek | T’lek | T’rik | T’shak |
- T’pessai
- V’lan
- Esar
- Spian
- T’plol
- T’mai
- Synn
- Stilkiav
- Huteng
- Pock
- Chitonn
- T’plailuth
Vulcan Surnames
Vulcans, too, had surnames, and like humans, Vulcan surnames had their family surnames. It would help if you had years of practice pronouncing their surnames.
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Here is a list of these names for you.
T’mes | Dyllol | Vark | T’lovak | Je |
Harraar | Saavyth | V’lumuk | T’Kysiv | T’rimar |
Stott | Linnor | Spovut | Fess | Lori |
V’len | Silerk | Silerk | Spujinn | Neran |
T’ping | T’lek | T’lek | T’rik | T’shak |
Hoth | Jedyt | Jedyt | Silerk | Sto |
Dauth | V’Lenin | V’Lenin | Fess | Fes |
T’ping | T’lek | T’lek | T’rik | Vunaan |
T’ping | T’lek | T’lek | T’rik | T’shak |
Hoth | Jedyt | Jedyt | Silerk | Sto |
Dauth | V’Lenin | V’Lenin | Fess | Fes |
T’ping | T’lek | T’lek | T’rik | Vunaan |
Nek | Stros | Nek | Stros | Nek |
Muvai | Les | Muvai | Les | Muvai |
Sykkic | T’plur | Sykkic | T’plur | Sykkic |
Lonaulk | T’shes | Lonaulk | T’shes | Lonaulk |
Stellialk | Vistram | Stellialk | Vistram | Stellialk |
- Spom
- Ster
- Polvur
- T’peth
- T’hin
- Hairuth
- Strenik
- Fustrat
- Vark
- V’lumuk
- Spovut
- Ster
Female Vulcan Names And Meanings
Some might know. Still, the Vulcan names carry good inner meanings. Roll your eyes below if you are looking for an excellent and meaningful female Vulcan name, rather than some cool name on a locket.
Muvai | Les | Muvai | Les | Muvai |
Sykkic | T’plur | Sykkic | T’plur | Sykkic |
Lonaulk | T’shes | Lonaulk | T’shes | Lonaulk |
Stellialk | Vistram | Stellialk | Vistram | Stellialk |
Spith | Von | Spith | Von | Spith |
Hira | T’roth | Hira | T’roth | Hira |
T’hal | T’hang | T’hal | T’hang | T’hal |
Nu | Mosin | Nu | Mosin | Nu |
Jilvith | T’her | Jilvith | T’her | Jilvith |
Nu | Mosin | Nu | Mosin | Nu |
Jilvith | T’her | Jilvith | T’her | Jilvith |
Aavis | T’hil | Aavis | T’hil | Aavis |
Ne | Satir | Ne | Satir | Ne |
Spossum | Stauje | Spossum | Stauje | Spossum |
T’la | T’sonu | T’la | T’sonu | T’la |
Spavick | Chajam | Spavick | Chajam | Spavick |
Huk | Strysulk | Huk | Strysulk | Huk |
Veck | Hallis | Veck | Hallis | Veck |
- Hairuth
- Strenik
- T’por
- T’plel
- T’paik
- Jossak
- Sauk
- T’pruth
- T’pos
- Nith
- Taafec
- T’prel
Vulcan Girl Names
Like males, the Vulcan girls’ names started with ‘T’ and usually ended with vowels. Golic, the Vulcan language, was their main inspiration for names.
So peek at some of those names below.
T’la | T’sonu | T’la | T’sonu | T’la |
Spavick | Chajam | Spavick | Chajam | Spavick |
Huk | Strysulk | Huk | Strysulk | Huk |
Veck | Hallis | Veck | Hallis | Veck |
Stafak | T’pa | Stafak | T’pa | Stafak |
Aros | Stret | Aros | Stret | Aros |
Spujur | Lot | Spujur | Lot | Spujur |
Avaath | Kajerk | Avaath | Kajerk | Avaath |
Aros | Stret | Aros | Stret | Aros |
Spujur | Lot | Spujur | Lot | Spujur |
Avaath | Kajerk | Avaath | Kajerk | Avaath |
Chaak | Lung | Chaak | Lung | Chaak |
Vaac | Tyvaak | Vaac | Tyvaak | Vaac |
Na | Saang | Na | Saang | Na |
Stryck | Strev | Stryck | Strev | Stryck |
Paakkek | Sack | Paakkek | Sack | Paakkek |
- Fauk
- Stiassat
- V’lak
- T’pal
- Vinveth
- Dutuk
- Fi
- Spiath
- T’mainner
- Pov
- Stitt
- Hy
Vulcan Full Names & Last Names
The full name of Vulcan is tough for an average human to pronounce. Vulcans speak and write their names when it’s very needed.
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Still, it would be best if you had a full Vulcan name and for that, take a peek below.
Chaak | Lung | Chaak | Lung | Chaak |
Vaac | Tyvaak | Vaac | Tyvaak | Vaac |
Na | Saang | Na | Saang | Na |
Stryck | Strev | Stryck | Strev | Stryck |
Paakkek | Sack | Paakkek | Sack | Paakkek |
Onnok | Sis | Onnok | Sis | Onnok |
Le | Sekkar | Le | Sekkar | Le |
T’raan | Lillum | T’raan | Lillum | T’raan |
Paakkek | Sack | Paakkek | Sack | Paakkek |
Onnok | Sis | Onnok | Sis | Onnok |
Le | Sekkar | Le | Sekkar | Le |
T’raan | Lillum | T’raan | Lillum | T’raan |
Tin | Stero | Tin | Stero | Tin |
V’lulang | T’luving | V’lulang | T’luving | V’lulang |
Loth | T’limer | Loth | T’limer | Loth |
Mostraum | Mo | Mostraum | Mo | Mostraum |
- T’hin
- T’Kess
- Nisseth
- Vuth
- T’preko
- T’shatuk
- Je
- T’rimar
- Lori
- Neran
- T’shak
- Sto
Star Trek Vulcan Names
In the Star Trek series, it’s hard to find many Vulcan names. If you are still attached to some of those names and want to know more, then here are great other Star Trek Vulcan names.
Tin | Stero | Tin | Stero | Tin |
V’lulang | T’luving | V’lulang | T’luving | V’lulang |
Loth | T’limer | Loth | T’limer | Loth |
Mostraum | Mo | Mostraum | Mo | Mostraum |
Not | T’hunvik | Not | T’hunvik | Not |
Fai | Cherrelk | Fai | Cherrelk | Fai |
Uker | Sylk | Uker | Sylk | Uker |
V’lenver | Jofark | V’lenver | Jofark | V’lenver |
Uker | Sylk | Uker | Sylk | Uker |
V’lenver | Jofark | V’lenver | Jofark | V’lenver |
Lik | V’le | Lik | V’le | Lik |
Sitauc | Holir | Sitauc | Holir | Sitauc |
T’sirro | Sett | T’sirro | Sett | T’sirro |
Skal | Pe | Skal | Pe | Skal |
T’shas | V’Listrark | T’shas | V’Listrark | T’shas |
Issi | Spejonn | Issi | Spejonn | Issi |
- Fosaus
- Syss
- Pokkiak
- Fava
- Skoss
- Sunot
- T’lovak
- T’Kysiv
- Fess
- Spujinn
- T’rik
- Silerk
Vulcan Ship Names
The Vulcan ships were exceptional, a structure of art and marvel of engineering. And if you need a boat for your sail. Then here is a collection of Vulcan ships for you.
V’Lu | Sujot | V’Lu | Sujot | V’Lu |
Seck | Fuc | Seck | Fuc | Seck |
Skauth | Haak | Skauth | Haak | Skauth |
Osel | T’ris | Osel | T’ris | Osel |
V’La | Aakang | V’La | Aakang | V’La |
Doc | Stris | Doc | Stris | Doc |
Ling | Las | Ling | Las | Ling |
Stular | Miark | Stular | Miark | Stular |
Spurrin | Jilvyk | Spurrin | Jilvyk | Spurrin |
Laalkev | Sideck | Laalkev | Sideck | Laalkev |
Anvor | Spelvuck | Anvor | Spelvuck | Anvor |
Sevauk | Mo | Sevauk | Mo | Sevauk |
V’Lan | Sim | V’Lan | Sim | V’Lan |
V’Lotet | Vas | V’Lotet | Vas | V’Lotet |
Pukkylk | Vu | Pukkylk | Vu | Pukkylk |
T’pritang | T’ru | T’pritang | T’ru | T’pritang |
Fott | T’pron | Fott | T’pron | Fott |
Musath | Filir | Musath | Filir | Musath |
- Polvur
- T’peth
- T’hin
- Hairuth
- Strenik
- Fustrat
- Vark
- V’lumuk
- Spovut
- Silerk
- T’lek
- Jedyt
1.How do Vulcan names work?
Vulcans only use their first name when it is needed. They try to avoid using the full name as it’s non-pronounceable.
2.What was Spock’s full name?
Spock, my personal favourite, is one of the best characters in Star Trek. However, Spock did not use his real full name in the series. His real name is S’chn T’gai Spock.
3.How many names do Vulcans have?
Vulcans had a total of three names. First was their first name, the second was their full name, and last was their family name.
4.Why are Vulcans called Vulcans?
In the human world, the Vulcans mean the fire god. Thus, the planet of Vulcans is named after our fire god and its inhabitants are called Vulcan.
With the help of new philosophy from Surak, they moved towards a new awakening. His wide range of followers swore to move towards ethical systems based on logical principles.
But there is always someone to oppose any cause, whether it is bad or good, which leads to dispute and ultimately to a destructive war in the case of Vulcans with loss of several lives and Surak being one of the victims himself.
Vulcans had the same spiritual belief in the soul and consciousness of a person as humans. Vulcans were hardcore honest and were highly reluctant to lie.
However, for logical reasons, they do lie. As parents, Vulcans were more realistic. They never hindered their offspring’s abilities to grow in real life. The Vulcans were the total controller of their emotions and rarely hinted that they did have feelings.
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