799+ Necromancer Names to Cast a Spell on Your Imagination

I was going through a novel in which a necromancer just like Lord Sauron from ‘The Lord of the Rings’ fictional movie series played a very strong character. The whole story was filled with thrill and kept me agog. Necromancer’s role was glorified. The way they used their powers and kept them hidden from the world made them more indestructible. Few necromancers in the story were Gourotia, Moxaura, Vaxir, Darkmaster, Igravris, Estella, Kaiser and Amohilde.

This is the area for you if you enjoy crafting fantastical tales that create anxiety in readers. We chose for you literary names for necromancers as well as original names for evil necromancers. One of the most well-known fictional necromancers is Lord Sauron from the “Lord of the Rings” film series.

We made sure to provide you with a selection of terrible, sinister, and insane character names that will satisfy your dreams about necromancers, including Evil Mad and Corrupted Decayer. Find out some crazy names for your character’s necromancer by reading on.

After reading our list of creative necromancer names, be sure to browse our other posts on  Some funny usernames Idea

Female Necromancer Names

As a result of using the names of female necromancers, the following names of necromancers were developed.

  1. Aldora Kiwi, is a winged gifted necromancer. It is indeed one of the true necromancer names.
  2. Amedea Party, is a necromancer who defends man. 
  3. Axora Witches, a necromancer who can perform witchcraft in the sky. It is one of the true necromancer names.
  4. Bellatrix Black, is a name inspired by the ‘Harry Potter series. It is one of the interesting necromancer names.
  5. Cerisie Blair, is a necromancer who can perform witchcraft on the birds. It is indeed one of the fun necromancer names.
  6. Charma Charma, is a necromancer who can charm. It is one of the unique necromancer names.
  7. Cleora Crystal, is a necromancer who can perform charms with the ice. 
  8.  Delphina, is one who can charm the dolphins. It is one of the fun necromancer names.
  9. Eleadora Saint, a sun-gifted necromancer. It is one of the rare necromancer names.
  10. Elvira, is a necromancer of the gemstones. It is one of the rare necromancer names.
  11. Glinda Halicroa, is a fair necromancer who’s the maiden of the sea. 
  12. Soccer Arien, an enchanted necromancer. It is one of the rare necromancer names.
Laverra The Reaper Amohilde Molder Queen of fire and blood
Stureas The Undead Varotia The Hallowed Mallus The Evil
Egaevris Graeme Grebea The Risen Vrotulah The Undead
Braucia Haggard Strureda The Wraith MissDeathwhisper
Kreiverra The Examiner Yaurina Alure Uwradita Anatomy
Nelian the undertaker Deadly Soul eater The Red Blood queen
Sahilde The Corpse Darky the Mad Queen of deathland
Emaress The nightmare Red dark shadow Laereda The deadth
Gireas The Mute Taxis of the Dead Yaurina Alure of Evils
Moxaura The Insane Beihilde the Gorish The Pumura Crane

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Best Necromancer Meaningful Names

Necromancer names can be generated automatically, but you need to make sure the names have meaning. You would not only save time by having these names generated by a tool, but you would also save a lot of unneeded mental energy.

Listed here are a few names for necromancers with beautiful meanings.

  1. Altara Blue is derived from the name of Istari in Tolkien’s legends. It is indeed one of the many fascinating necromancer names.
  2. Anubis, King worshipped in Old Egypt. It is indeed one of the interesting necromancer names.
  3. Apopie, is derived from the name of the Egyptian devil. 
  4. Broad Bel Medar, a forsaken in Robert Jordan’s legends ‘The Wheel Of Time. 
  5. Cleopatra is based on the name of the queen that once ruled the land of Mist. 
  6. Crowley is a wizard from the Wizarding world. 
  7. Faeganii is derived from the name of the tomb keeper in the legends ‘The Chronicles Of Blood And Stone. It is indeed one of the funny necromancer names.
  8. Isis, a goddess from the land of Egypt. 
  9. Jafari, is based on the name of the Sultan Jaafar in the legends of ‘Aladin’. 
  10. Logain, is derived from the name of the false dragon in ‘The Wheel Of Time’. It is indeed one of the rare necromancer names.
  11. Mustrum Ridicule, derived from the name of the Archchancellor in ‘Discworld. 
  12. Poseidon, is based on the name of the Roman God of the seas. 
  13. Thor, a cool name derived from the name of the God of thunderstorms. 
  14. Voldemort, is derived from the name of the strongest evil wizard in the ‘Harry Potter’ legends. 
Kragami the Decayer Red bloody soul Ecthrois Evil Graves
Turoti The Rotting The Immortal The Lone Razorback swine
Moughana The Adept Greirina The Mad Storm Cloud doom
Sahilde The Undead Neilian The Rotting The Ugly haunt devil
Cupeth The Renovator Proviah The Corrupted Wild Sun Swine
Nazeebo The Dark Nelian The Necromancer Fester The Blight
Sharael The Demon Agner The Sineater Stoxiem The Mad
Stepeste The Soulreaper Wazor Dark Nightshade Odrovok The Corrupted
Strureda The Wraith Pitulah The Evil Corruptor The Eternal evil
BoneDock Evil Saint Dark EvilUmbra The Dark nightmare

Famous Necromancer Names For Your Popular Culture

Estella Tempest of Darkness, Horned Preying Scorpion, Sauen the Mute, Ivory Warp Lynx, Farian Victor Whisper, and Dead Red Plasma are some of the most famous necromancer names in popular culture. But the list doesn’t end there, we bring you cool necromancer names for your necromancer characters from the modern world.

  1. Anton Acorn, the name of the supervillain, appeared first in the ‘Swamp Thing’.
  2. Bu Windu Da, the one who can connect with the dead. 
  3. Decayer de Immortal is derived from the name of the demon that sucks up immortality. 
  4. Evil Dead, is based on a fictional movie from the ’90s. 
  5. Fortunate Mina, from the character of Mina in the ‘Harry Potter series. 
  6. Lambert The Eternal, is derived from the name of the pop singer Adam Lambert.
  7. Mal de Limbo, evil souls that feed on unbaptized dead. 
  8. Manson, taken from the name of the singer Marilyn Manson.  It is indeed one of the funny necromancer names.
  9. Ruhe Shirer, is an Evil soul that feeds on the dead. 
  10. Soven The Mute, one who can’t speak. It is indeed one of the rare necromancer names.

Evil Necromancer Names

It is also about being evil because necromancers are those who are known to speak to the dead. When the names aren’t evil then, there would be no meaning to the name at all. Wait until you get the best name that sounds amazing to your pair of ears.

necromancer names

Mentioned below are some of the evil necromancer names.

Zelig La Croix Cresin The Darkmaster Vicious Blight Deathwhisper
Petra The Sineater Greirina The Shade Furry jester Hawk
Piocilia The Blight Croucrux The Reanimator The Canine Death Being
Feibetha The Paranoid Puness The Crippled Feline Evil whisper
Dead Grim Boulder Vourina The Decomposer WoqurThe Paranoid
Edebrix The Soulreaper Maxime The Deathwhisper Vemorn The Curropted
Parallel Howler Deathwhisper Paxton Dark Rex Kadulus The Crippled
Forsaken lich of Death Staumona The Decrepit The Black Evil
Ecthrois Wild Graves Wreireda The Mad The Dark Vice
Ashen Borges of Mad Wapris The Mad Kredan The Necromancer

Witty Names For Your Necromancer

Looking for witty necromancer names? Cresin the Darkmaster, Vaxier the Constructed, Morgan of Wild, Death Storm, Evil Moon, Dead Evil, Wild Igravris, and Clarita Dark are some extremely good necromancer names that have a dark shade to them. Now, if you are looking for some exceptionally witty necromancer names, then simply read on. 

  1. Emaress The Nightmare, is a necromancer name who brings nightmares to people. 
  2. Ghost Blood, is a cool name for a necromancer that feeds on the ghost that feeds on blood. 
  3. Gireas The Molder Of Death, is a funky name for a necromancer.
  4. Insane Vrothula is the name for a brutal necromancer. 
  5. Mad Blood Evil, is a funky name for an evil necromancer. It is indeed one of the funny necromancer names.
  6. Mallus The Evil, is a necromancer who pulls revenge with death. It is indeed one of the unique necromancer names.
  7. Margery Daw Darke, a cool necromancer name who deals with the demons of the dark. 
  8. Mayfair Witches Of Deathland is a necromancer name who deals with the spirits of the deadland. It is one of the common necromancer names.
  9. Mute Pumura, a non-speaking necromancer.
  10. Red Bloody Soul, is a necromancer who performs witchcraft with blood. It is one of the fun necromancer names.
  11. Red Plasma, a necromancer name who caches the blood-feeding souls. It is indeed one of the unique necromancer names.
  12. Specs Stealer, the one who steals the specs. It is indeed one of the funny necromancer names.
  13. Taxis Of The Death, is a necromancer name who can travel to the world of the dead. 
  14. The Queen Of Fir, A necromancer who works with fire and blood. 
  15. The Sin-Eater Hawk, is a necromancer who specifically deals with bad souls.
  16. Tutori The Devil Strome, a fun necromancer name who can cause Strome. It is one of the rare necromancer names.

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Trendy Necromancer Names

Naturally, the names that the necromancer generator would recommend would be quite popular. Therefore, coming up with creative necromancer names is no longer a challenge. So, while you are coming up with names for necromancers, keep this in mind as well.

Here are a few popular necromancer names right now.

Wild Igravris Evil moon death whisper Soven The Mute
The Sin eater hawk Gourotia The Carver Chririna The Decomposer
The dead evil Wild Sun Swine Cedrem Sanguis hermin
Dead red plasma Tangle brute of terror Killian Raven Evil
Soven The Evil Kaiser Death Whisper Melinoe The Mad
Mad blood evil Caeda Morgan of wild Ustrunoth The Gorish
Vrixor The Gorish Estella Tempest Of Dark Horned Preying Scorpion
The death storm Clarita Dark Maleficum Gilgameth Evil Mad
Grabrum The Nightfall Firion Victor Whisper Vicious Mocking Behemoth
Amohilde Molder of death Ivory Warp Lynx Burnt Butcher Swine

Fictitious Necromancer Names

If you have a necromancer name, you would undoubtedly want to know what it means. It’s crucial to realize that the names also sound fake.

When you are into magic and wizardry, it is important to get the name fictitious as well. There are characters that carry some armor and also have brilliant neckpieces as well. Hence, it is important to have names that are fictitious.

necromancer names

Some of the names that sound incredibly fictitious are listed below.

The Dark Skeletal Corpse Bringer of nightmares Vicious Mocking Behemoth
The Skeletal Screamer Priselm Evil Diction Vrazhar The Necromancer
Parallel Howler Deathwhisper The Dead Entity Xexhin The Sineater
Wrakar The Rotting Death Insane figure Shexor The Corpse
The Evil Decayer Matriarch Broken Savage Shalazar The Mute
Asedulus The Undertaker Feline Evil whisper Spirit of deads
Seipent The Eternal Grisly cave Sin Eater Striodan The Deathwhisper
Molazr The Dark Jinx Hunt Willow Vaudulus The Haggard
Vaxir The Constructed Calamity Lestat reviver Gitic The Decayer
The Inquisitor of sins Churel Destructer Graeme Crimson Horror Vermin


Well, now that we have listed some of the best necromancer names, you can always try your hands in coining yourself with these names and have some great fun!

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