Categories: Business NamesName

150+ Catchy & Unique Medical Shop Names

While there is a chance that other business ideas might not work out, but if you are planning on opening a medical shop or a pharmacy, it’s sure to outshine all business, and soon you will be making a truckload of profit!

Two things in the world will continue no matter what, one, food; so any food-related business is going to be a grand success, and the next is health. As long as the human race is alive, health and that too good health will be a primary concern. In that light, the role played by a pharmacy can never be ignored.

150+ Catchy & Unique Medical Shop NamesMedical Shop Names
Recovery Mod Pharmacy Mixlab Premier Long Term Care Pharm Pride Pharmacy
Brennen Drugs Co Tru Script Thriftway Pharmacy Gen Prescription
Pharmanic Modern Health Point Pasteur Gastroen Diagno
Discount Drugs Friends & Family Pharmacy Healthy Pharmacy Medify
18 Pharmacy Inc Best Care Pharmacy Well Blend Pharma Hahnemann Medico
DentoCare Medical Point Skyline Sexo Consulting Point Pharma Foundation
MediCasa Fruth Pharmacy Pharmacy Channel MediGood
Wellworks Bioplus Specialty Grand Medicine IHC Pharmacy
Central Rx Simple Meds The Pill Club Syngex Drugs
BeSure Pharmacy Union Center Pharmacy Louis and Clark Drug Atlas Drugs

The healthcare industry is recently going through some changes which are affecting its offerings and business process. To manage the overheads, many business owners are looking into horizontal and vertical mergers and acquisitions.

This shift is making way for enhanced collaboration and is also leading to programs that are targetted towards cost-cutting.

If that sounds lucrative to you, then setting up a pharmacy may not be a bad idea. However, in addition to a fool-proof business plan, you will require a few name ideas, and here are a few of those.

Medicine Shop Name

Since there are many medical shops in the market, here are a few names that can help you stand out.

Duane Reade Thryo Expertise First Hill Pharmacy Drug Blend
Medicines To Midnight Cedra Pharmacy Alpina Pharmacy INC Revco Discount Drugs
Rejuvva Drugs Fleming Pharma Assured Drug Maplewood Pharmacy
Jaros Pharmacy Rebirth Pharmacy Aliva Prescription Generation Pharmacy
Little Sprout Center Pharmacy Xpress Lane Pharmacy Cherry Street Pharmacy
Grand Health Hudson Square Pharma Best NuCare Pharmacy
Northwest Pharmacy Smart Recovery Point Pharmacy Stayiess Skyline
Rocky’s Drug Beyond Healthify Express Food & Pharmacy Hopify Drug
Publix Pharmacy Classified Pharmacy Pacific Medical Windsor Pharmacy
90th Street Pharmacy Wellwise Family Drug Mart Healthy Floyds

Independent Pharmacy Names

Planning to start something on our own? Let your business name reflect your ideas.

New London Pharmacy Pharma Street Spot Rx Dahls Pharmacy
278 Pharmacy Healthico Discount Emporium RefillWise
Gastrogen Pharma Wellness Craft All Health Pharmacy Life Pharmacy
Health Chemist Net Pharmacy Dakota Drug MedEasy living
City Drug Globe Pharmacy Outpatient Pharmacy Nutrico
Health Power House SureMedi TrulyEffecto Pills Lifeshave Pharmacy
The Rx Advocates Wellbeing Drug Loft Human care and beyond
Pavilions Pharmacy Reliable Pharmacy ABC Pharmacy Arrow Pharmacy
Heart Medical Shop Florrax Medilane Pharmacy Care Community Pharmacy
Marsh Drug Store Med-X Drug Robust pharmacy Urgent

How To Choose Cool Medical Shop Names

To come up with healthcare company names ideas, you need to take a close look at your competitors and understand what logic have they used to name their business. Your mission is similar- understanding that logic and then using it to come up with a better name that will help you survive in the market.

Brainstorm for ideas

Make a list of all the names that you like. However, while making this list, be sure of the goals that you have in mind. Make a five-year plan to make things easy. Do not delete any name in this stage. It’s all about collecting the name that you like. However, do select names that are unique and easy to remember.

Use A Pharmacy Name Generator

Medical Shop Names

Once you have shortlisted a few names, its important to make sure that it has not been taken or booked. For that, using a name generator can be a good idea. You can also take inspiration from the names that you find in the generator, however, do not copy the names from there.

Care Pharmacy Hastings Family Fare Pharmacy Lifezest Pill Pack
Avalon Chemists Health Warehouse Health Element Medical Mediserv
MobiFast Pharma Ingles Markets People Choice Pharmacy Walgreens
Gem Drugs Wellbeing Component Integra Pharmacy Best Care Medical
Pharmacy Direct Ally Scripts Ivan Pharmacy Genovese Drug Store
Hopify Pharma Buy-Rite Pharmacy Keystone Pharmacy Rxtra
Royal Care Pharmacy Smart Pharmacy Neighborcare Stanley’s Pharmacy
Sand Point Pharmacy Assuro Pharmacy Kings Pharmacy Recovery Door
Urgent Pharmacy HealthDirect Randalls Food & Drug IDL Drug Stores
Capsule Downtown Pharmacy Good Neighbor Pharmacy Eastlake Pharmacy

You do not want your business to shadow the business model of your competitor, and certainly, you do not want your customers to think in that way either.

Suggestions For Friends And Family

While you do your research to find out ideal names, asking your friends and family for suggestions may be a good idea as well. Many a time, they come up with interesting names that are unique and credible.

Competitor Analysis

To survive the steep competition in this business, you have to analyze the models that your competitors have used. Only then can you come up with better names. However, do not try mixing names to come up with new ones. Most often such names make no sense and look like jumbled words. (Also Choose Spice Shop Names)


While naming your medical store, make sure you select small unique names that are easy to read and recall. You want your customers to remember your shop name while they are buying medical supplies, keeping a confusing name will not meet that criterion. So, select a  name that can outshine your competitors! All the best!

Akshay Gupta

Hey, I am a Professional Web Designer, Author, Blogger, and Teacher. I am doing content writing and working as a freelancer for 3 years. I have completed my CA-Inter in 2015 and I am 7 years old in the Teaching Profession.

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