Cool & Catchy Lifestyle Blog Name Ideas And Suggestions

The task of lifestyle bloggers is not as simple as it looks. It’s not about writing home decor and what’s hot in the kitchen. Even before they can get to the writing part, they have to come up with a fine lifestyle blog names ideas list, and that is a hard road to take. 

Since our lifestyle and requirements change on a day to day basis, the themes of the blogs change too.

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In that light, what was amazing last week, will not hold any ground this week. This is where it gets challenging for lifestyle bloggers. Not only will they have to think ahead as far as the topics are concerned, but they also have to come up with names that are catchy and attractive. Read More…

Cool & Catchy Lifestyle Blog Name Ideas And Suggestions

The naming process is a challenge for bloggers. While most of them are great with words, they lose their natural flow when they have to name their blogs. Even by chance bloggers come up with creative blog names, many a time the domains are already registered and bloggers end up spending hundreds of hours on the blog name generator trying to fix it.

However, the inability to find the perfect blog name is not the end of the world. In fact, there are some cool techniques that you can use to come up with the ideal lifestyle blogger names ideas.

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Lifestyle Blog Name Ideas:

In addition to the perception, a brand name can also help a blogger communicate the right idea about the blog and its linked brand. This makes it easy for readers to understand what a particular blog is all about. 

Cool & Catchy Lifestyle Blog Name Ideas And Suggestions

Naturally, the blog name goes a long way to highlight what a given blog topic is all about. Is it about home decor? Is it about kitchen ideas? Additionally, it also sheds light on the tone that the brand generally uses. Some brands opt for a humorous tone while others select a feminine touch or wishful one. (Choose A Necromancer Name Here)

Cool & Catchy Lifestyle Blog Name Ideas And Suggestions

Naturally, the blog name goes a long way to highlight what a given blog topic is all about. Is it about home decor? Is it about kitchen ideas? Additionally, it also sheds light on the tone that the brand generally uses. Some brands opt for a humorous tone while others select a feminine touch or wishful one. 

Bloggers generally follow the statistics, and if Google analytics is anything to go by, then a good and attractive blog name is crucial for new bloggers. If the title of the blog is catchy more readers are drawn towards it thereby increasing the popularity of the blog.

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So, without much ado, let’s get into a few attractive lifestyle blog names to give you an idea. 

The Kitchen Saga My New Shoes Over Coffee
The Ultimate Wellbeing Guide Grandmother’s Recipe By Ella Yoga In Boots
Move Nourish Believe The Whole Kitchen The Daily Adventure
The Best Gifts For Your Five Year Old The Cookies Story The One Ingredient
Natural Wellbeing Gratitude For Valentines Day Getting Rid of Stains
Bedroom Turns Hot Guests Coming Over? The Siter Diary
Mama Mia The Delight f Wine and Cheese The Kitchen Delight
The Healthy Nut Journey The Cupboard and What To Throw Away Getting Fit After 60
How I Did My Summer Cleaning The Yoga Teacher Enjoying The 40s
The Margaritas Challenge Zen Habits Vodka Diaries

Lifestyle Blog Name Suggestions:

As mentioned earlier, finding the ideal blog name may not be easy. However, if you put in the right ingredients in the mix, you can surely come up with attractive blog name ideas. The major ingredients that are used are listed below:

  • A name that somehow reflects your personality as a writer.
  • A name which plays quite cleverly on the words
  • An original name
  • The selected title should highlight what you do

Of course, the name that you select might not have all these ingredients, but if you select each of these to brainstorm ideas for your blog name then it might be very helpful. 

Dangerous name a wizard

Once you have selected a few names, then make sure you jot them down before anything. After that, shortlist a few names that you like or the ones that match the content of your blog. The entire process is going to be based on the method of revisiting and elimination. 

A Cup of Coffee With Reality On Top Party Animal 2020 Organizing a Barbeque Party
Elley and The Confidential To-Do List For Sunday Technology and The Technologically Challenged
Having Faith In Gucci Going Glitter For Friday Night The Teenage Bliss
Father And The Boyfriend Boks To Read This Summer A Monsoon Winter
Are You Downloading These Apps Today? The Positivity App Finding Mental Peace In The Concrete Jungle
The Challenges Of A Teenager’s Mom Sparkles And Glitters The Princess In Snake Skin
Aims For Your 4 Year Old Things You Can Get Your Smart Speaker To Do Nappy Daddy
The Season of Cupcakes and Shawls Going Offline In This Age Of Digitization Use Level
Witty And Joyous The Diary Of A Shopaholic Names Pixel
The Top Hot Pinks Lipsticks For Dark Skin Tones Things That You Need To Stock Up In Your Meat Cabinet Blog Vision

Lifestyle Blog Name Ideas List:

Trendy names of valkyrie

Coming up with an ideal name for your blog is a process. The ideal name for your blog will not just pop up in your head one day. You will have to put in a lot of thought to come up with a name that is ideal.

The Black Pearl The Black Pearl Blog wice Gloss Mockingly Serious
Skinny Confidential The Every Girl Chic sassy Useaholic
Soul of Honey The Fox and She The Charis retreats Humour Net
Sphere blog Youth Teen Glamour and the scientist The Tough and Tumble
outh Teen Girls Young Family On Bikes The Unplanned Place
Girls Young Junior Teen NYCity Mama Young Ideas
Junior Teen Gorgeous faces Urban Elites Clothing Happy & Witty
You gotta glamour Exotic beauty Junky Closet Use Nixon
Mascara lightup salon treasures Posh Patterns Humour Vibe
9 salon secrets Gorgeous You Girl Tips The Sweetest Thing

The name that you select for your blog must be original in some way. Though you can take inspiration from famous lifestyle bloggers when it comes to naming your blog make sure you are not copying the name from anyone.

Though the lists provided above can be ideal for you to refer to, if you wish to come up with names on your own, a few crucial steps must be considered. 

Choosing A Niche:

Cool & Catchy Lifestyle Blog Name Ideas And Suggestions

This is the first step in the naming process. The name, the tone, the style, in short, everything concerning the blog will depend on the blog type. Thus, the first thing to do is finding out the niche that you will be writing on.

Think and make up your mind, will you write about fashion? Is your blog about travel? Is it about lifestyle? While considering the blog name, you need to decide what your blog is going to talk about.

Identify Your Brand Type:

Your brand is yet another factor that will determine the name of your blog. However, the brand here doesn’t mean a company or banner. Brand when it comes to blog writing refers to a look, the feeling, tone or vibe that your blog will stand for.

Unique & funny private story names 2022

Ask yourself, how do I want my readers to view this blog? Would you want something which looks very stylish or are you looking for something fun to which people can connect to easily? Decide on the vibe that you want your blog to have. Once you make up your mind about the brand of your blog, you will better know which types of words to be used in the blogs. 

In addition to the tone and brand of your blog, it’s important to have a good idea about your target audience. For instance, if your blog is about mothers of teenagers, you should name it in a way that your target audience understands you. 

Begin With The Brainstorming Process:

Once you get an idea about what your blog is all about and how it will be presented to the target audience, you can start your brainstorming process to identify the potential words. To make the process easy, make a list of quite a few words that relate to your niche and keep them safe.

Cool & Catchy Lifestyle Blog Name Ideas And Suggestions
Lifestyle Blog Name

For instance, if your blog is about lifestyle then you can pick out words like decor, wellbeing, yoga, healthy, beauty, nourishment, nutrition and such. Once you do this, you will have a full list which will make the name picking process easy and simple. 

Mix Up Words:

Once you have your big list of words ready, you can mix and match them to come up with more unique names. Once you do that, you will have yet another list of potential blog names.

Though many bloggers don’t try this technique, it’s an interesting idea to club two words and come up with a fresh new word. Such words add a sort of crunch to the whole blog and work amazingly well to attract new readers.

Mix Up Words

Though many bloggers don’t try this technique, it’s an interesting idea to club two words and come up with a fresh new word. Such words add a sort of crunch to the whole blog and work amazingly well to attract new readers.

In addition to this, you can also use your own name on the blog. Think about it, it’s your business, you will have to run it in the future. So, combining your name with the blog title can be an ideal way to gather more followers.

Make Sure Your Selected Name Is Available:

Now that you have created a list of names for your blog, comes the most crucial step – ensuring that the name is available. Always remember, that it’s impossible to come up with lifestyle blog topics that no one has ever thought of. In all probability, you will be writing something that has already been tried by other bloggers.


The best thing you can do is come up with a name that is attractive. Your web address is crucial as it is through this that your readers will come to read your blog, so choose your domain name properly.  Selecting a blog name for your lifestyle blog will now get easier as you know the tricks to come up with the ideal blog names! 


Aniket Jain

Hi there, My self Aniket Jain. A virtual SEO expert, content writer, and digital marketer. Works with lots of passion, hardly dedicated to what's best and what's next ✌️. Hope u all like my work ✌️

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