560+ Kenku Names With Meanings For Your Characters

We all love games, especially Dungeons and Dragons which come with numerous characters. These characters Kenku Names build our imagination, creativity and we can use its various aspects like games, social media, books, novels, storytelling, etc.

One of the famous characters is Kenku. Kenku is a humanoid, looks huge, and is not able to fly. They are fighters.

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These fictional characters’ names inspire you to use them everywhere like in your movies, dramas, books, stories, games, etc. They represent a powerful personality.

Here are some of the powerful and fantastic Kenku names to name your characters to make your game or play more dynamic.

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Kenku Names

Kenku’s are popular voice mimics, they used them to tackle their enemies. Hence, these creatures are named after animals sounds. These names inspire you to defeat your enemies in the game. Here are some of the powerful and inspiring Kenku names.

Steel Clank Provider Cat Purr Cork Pop
Vulture Scream Saw Wobble NetCast Warbler
Ship Creek Nibbles Horse Blow Lute Pluck
Spade Dig Ripper Cork Pop Lute Drop
Flockman Pigeon Coo Bleater Dragon Breath
Boomer Kettle Bubble Book Drop Cat Swoop
Thunderclap Fruit Squish Clanger Bat Swoop
Lute String Hide Smack Sneezes Sealer
Manger Rat Yelp Rook Rustle Brush Stroke
Grain Mill Spade Drop Mouser Beaver Call
 Kenku Names
Wood Creek Chisel Carve Sheep Bleat Horse Breath
Rabbit Scream Sail Slap Bison Call Parrot Squawk
Book Slam Trumpet Goose Honk Sifter
Grain Crush Fire Roar Walloper Dragon Yelp
Jackal Call Kettle Splash Hisser Saw Pull
Hoe Scrape Deer Rustle Dino Growl Saw Wobble
Chisel Carve Wolf Growl Slicer Bird Call
Duck Rustle Paint Stroke Neither Bear Yelp
Mouse Rustle Armor Crash Cobbler Saw Stroke
Dog Wiggle Squished Saw Drop Fire Cracker
  • Dog Wiggle
  • Grain Trash
  • Hide Smack
  • Snake Slither
  • Parrot Squawk
  • Falcon Swoop
  • Paint Stroke
  • Kettle Bubble

 Kenku Monk Names

Kenku monk names depict inspiration and patience. This inspires you to be patient in the game and be more successful. Here are such Kenku monk names. Attractive party themed names

Snake Slither Hog Snort Hiccup Elephant Stomp
Cow Moo Dino Growl Pigeon Coo Bee Buzzer
Falcon Swoop Seal Flop Bather Mind Player
Bell Drop Mewer Gnawer Beaver Yelp
Crate Smash Armor Clank Clucker Dog Swoop
Hatchet Drop Bonner Crocodile Bat Fire
Badger Run Dog Yip Ripper Bat Call
Owl Call Ratter Griller Ape Call
Explorer Rasper Crier Bell Inscriber
Fryer Broiler Hog Oink Basher
 Kenku Monk Names
Roared Driller Spade Dig Quail Call
Dog yelp Baster Net Splash Astute
Parrot Call Ornan Beggar Rising
Parrot Swoop Armor Battler Lute Pluck Runners
Bill Poole Owl Burn Bison Breath Istic
Crow Rustle Dragon Wiggle Sweetheart Wisdom
Gyros Harpy Purr Landscape Namadil
Mallet Crash Beaver Call Tundra Name city
Ape Breath Order Namzoid Fisheye
Parrot Call Feather Flick Forever Gloss
  • Bingorn Crestsworn
  • Stakvelm Gorehunter
  • Thohahvo Luzevem
  • Kidjoodod Nobumrumzo
  • Meumeu Maz Hunthehpek
  • Nae Keenscream
  • Mindisk Voryago
  • Rhirdud Milam
  • Blurth Thunder might

5E Kenku Names

The 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons comprises rules to run this fantasy game smoothly. The characters of Dungeons and Dragons are mesmerizing and you will have fun. Here are 5E Kenku names for you. Basic construction company slogans

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Drago Purr Jackal Swoop Numismatic Climate
Pigeon Call Rat Rustle Yum Worth
Dog Purr Dragon Jump Sincere Display
Parrot Rustle Harpy Fight Ice Freedom
Ape Purr Beaver Swoop Kenkuology Advantage
Mouse Swoop Crow Fight Crisp Dharana
Attacker Bat Stars Galactic Frost
Harpy Owl Cry Namely Attract
Armor Creator Lion Roar Munch Hermes
Battle Cry Lion Swoop Scribe Fine
5E Kenku Names
Burner Pigeon Fight Armor Leopard
Barker Roller Aphrodite Nirvana
Book Slam Fighter Aver Kenkulytical
Leather Flick Sheep Swoop Power Concept
Knocker Goat Purr Quick Kenkuara
Mimer Fighter Crow Namdeck Dog Fight
Tweeter Tigger Purr Kenkusy Saw String
Drummer Crow Trigger Shine Crow Swoop
Braker Saw Digger Train Parrot Fight
Plunger Rabbit Purr Hatchet Pull Cat Wiggle
  • Rifaldre Stelmikyegi
  • Shechuwi Saurbreaker
  • Durverra Gridyabyame                                         
  • Jelzi Mournwater
  • Fufrathi Rezrandeft
  • Yuruhmeil Rheilei                                                 
  • Taro Duvrald
  • Marilrey Phoenix hunter
  • Kavi Tarren blossom

Kenku Druid Names

Kenku’s are opportunists in nature, they imitate the sound of the druid. Kenku follow druid culture to gain more wealth and power. Kenkus are very suspicious in nature and possess the ability to create several metals and wood crafting. Here are such interesting Kenku druid names. Cute snapchat username ideas

Warehouse Namlytical Studios Defy
Kenkunest Namium Utopia Bot
Pay Niyama Cache Meditation Kenku
Loan Cottage Yoke Fast
Planet Eagle Terra Herald Kenku
Shares Lane Fabled Supply
Poster Stir Switch Passion
Alliance Ink Merge Solution Kenku
Melancholy Crown Jape Key Names
Think Kenkuya Gang Professionals
Kenku Druid Names
Blitz Icon Vibrance Spots
Quality Ash Meta Surge
Dope Libra Dragonfly Nitro
Kenkunetic Grinded Kenku Motion Agents
Namex Generate Vibrance Mania
Share Kenku Swarm Rage Pebble
Viewpoint Matte Afterburner Blend
Push Namtastic District Lucious
Aroma Moon Lytical Hero
Mount Liable Movement Swel
  • Virhorn
  • Kealar                                                                    
  • Morydark
  • Yinkian                                                                   
  • Glynzeiros
  • Fenkas                                                                    
  • Genfir
  • Dorzeiros                                                               
  • Umenelis

Good Kenku Names

Kirkus is conservative in nature, they are very inspiring and heart-touching. Their dynamic nature will inspire and motivate lots of players. Here are some good and cool names for kinks.

Rogue Integration Exchange Freedom
Nambia Carousel Custom Stork
Control Elation Number Speak
Namgenics Namorzo Goods Names Mentor
Fine Kenku Titan Mare Skylark
Aspect Kite Intuition Acclaimed
Handsome Love Toot Kenku Link
Capital Names Club Grip Botanical
Ready Kenku Poe Essence Bug Names
Shore Mage Beltline Aspect
Good Kenku Names
Mortar Natural Soundwave Intensity
Apex Tog Silo Jockey
Flow Guides Supplies Cannon
Inspire Project Kenku Agena Paradox
Focus Steamy Prophecy Warm
Mystic Spark Top Kenku Portrait
Ly Names Fair Kenku Palette Boost Kenku
Dudes Swish Minority Ticket
Busters Stallion Bones Aegis
Mesh Mob Namah Atom
  • Wynsatra                                                               
  • Joyra
  • Miarona                                                                 
  • Heleleth
  • Yesynore                                                                
  • Arawynn
  • Inazorwyn                                                              
  • Syllana

Wizard Kenku Names

Kenku characters are magical, they possess various powers in most of the fairy tales. Similarly, wizard kinks in D&D games possess magical powers and this makes the game more fun and interesting. Here are some wizard kenku names for your magical characters.

Remedy Ready Crossroads Logic
Repair Porium Hardy Drift
Heart Fog Elements Sentinel
Planned King Names Monsters Excalibur
Glitz Eagle Paramount Moisturise
Amber Invincible Rewind Shares
Miner Hatha Frumptious Neutral
Boost Names ABC Bard Mill
Airball 100 Kenku Meadow Climate
Golden Dream Solid Smart
Kenku Names
Wizard Kenku Names
Tales Genic Night Indicator
Lift Mantra Crank Fantasy
Coda Seascape Herald Aid
Nourish Non Estate Magazine
Dwell Runway Achieve Locker-Room
Meadow Food Quake Hydra
Aloha Pleasures Scouts Combo
Elite Vixen Omega Lab
Trim Dart Luxe Air
Simple Heart Connect Pitch
  • Yatruril
  • Enov                                                                       
  • Fethiruv
  • Nhubluc                                                                 
  • Batrellon
  • Uvlal                                                                       
  • Uvrenaz
  • Lagit                                                                       
  • Mithvac

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Kenku Bard Names

Imagining kenku as a Bard is fun and a good idea. During a race, kenkus are cursed and hence they cannot speak. But they can mimic. They mimic various animals, birds, etc. This makes them more funny and creative. Here are such bard kenku names.

You Retro End Association
Extraordinary Roma Rakish Surge
Polished Reverence Hazel Vapor
Companion Scintillant Spectator Exchange
Flatland Apex Project Renown
Nexus Expat Build Synthetic
Standard Link Vanity Booth
Laneway Ride Expand Treat
Blurred Cloud Sierra Savor
Mountains Water Discover Punish
Kenku Names
Kenku Bard Names
Sturdy Certain Master Beta
Frame Kashmir Crop Culture
Marker Nidra Generate Prominent
Visit Frill Graceful Seaside
Conspiracy Grow Blitz Crazy
Ineffable Dais National Line-Up
Possible Gang Tested Tread
Sunshine Exchange Mattress Hall
Alliance Amaze Exquisite Sultana
Top Romeo Capture Bed
  • Bloldanna                                                              
  • Bleveyi
  • Nodo                                                                      
  • Klorvovoss
  • Kladvash                                                                
  • Blegi
  • Isoll                                                                        
  • Slase
  • Isse                                                                         
  • Zlidralo

Kenku Mystic Names

Names are inspired by mythology and spirituality as well. They play a vital role in naming your characters. Kenku is also inspired by them. Here are some mystic kenku names inspired by spirituality.

Sturdy Certain Master Beta
Frame Kashmir Crop Culture
Marker Nidra Generate Prominent
Visit Frill Graceful Seaside
Conspiracy Grow Blitz Crazy
Ineffable Dais National Line-Up
Possible Gang Tested Tread
Sunshine Exchange Mattress Hall
Alliance Amaze Exquisite Sultana
Top Romeo Capture Bed
Kenku Names
Kenku Mystic Names
Intel Honest Admire Envy
Tire Sprightly Telegram Destiny
Boy Boss Clan Elevate
Delish Radiance Subtle Pop
Engage Niche Oxen Shape
Wedge Butterscotch Glorious Leader
Scribe Outpost Smack Domain
Shack Kingdom Suave Sumo
Yap Jack Source Palace
Elysian Appetite Stinger Footprint
  • Kenku Aesthetic                   
  • Names Apex
  • Kenku Urban                        
  • Names Maximus                  
  • Kenku Round One
  • Kenku Timeless
  • Avosh
  • Ilovinn
  • Zlodovo

Male Kenku Names

Boys are always into games, they are their stress buster. After a breakup, family issues, career problems, for all problems the only solution for them is Games. They are strong in every stage. Here are such strong and amazing male kenku names for you.

Clever County Seed View
Arrive Flex Care Bond
Real Plush Trained Dimension
Busters Split Emotion Replenish
Frolic Enlightened Revolution Cowboy
Wow Arclight Perfect Growth
Bop Accelerate Creator Connect
Exalted Fleur Refined Gardens
Purify Mass Dash Agile
Stake Stallion Ascend Muno
Kenku Names
Male Kenku Names
Pilot Metrics Fad Coast
Rep Heavy Geo Axis
Grande Ablaze Intel Extraordinary
Wildflower Backyard Aesthetic Prime
Crossroads Edge Junction Margin
Bench Crop Dug Dawn
Jet Catalyst Harvest Optimal
Splash Perfect Society Canary
Benched Artisan Wise Progressive
Planet Dr. Collective Graze
  • Hatchet Drop
  • Spade drop
  • Squirrel Nibble
  • Deer Stomp
  • Potion Swirl
  • Boar Rustle                                                            
  • Furnace Roar                                                         
  • Frog Splash
  • Kettle Bubble

Female Kenku Names

Female kenku players are very popular, they are very creative, strong, cool, powerful, and whatnot. When there is a woman, there is magic. So here are some magical and inspiring female kenku names for you.

Frame Firefly Immersive Zip
Dome Crossover Patent Source
Org Pilot Complete Dispatch
Booster Tracking Leader Thrill
Babylon Grow Tap Air
Advantage Scratch Association Smart
Boho World Dynamic Quality
Outlook Toss Revenant Prince
Link Perspective Endeavor Dial
Volcano Advance Aza Boo
Kenku Names
Female Kenku Names
Supplies Informant Happy Peak
Planted Dine Frontier Ego
Cost Guerrilla Poster Deep
Joy Project Switch Infrared
Survey Delights Magma Poise
Brake Nomad Axel Flawless
Butterscotch Venture Operation Renew
Mass Training Stallion Distortion
Leopard Portal Affordable Roast
Central Expand Jet Dope
  • Kenku Token
  • Kenku Flex
  • Ophresk
  • Srult
  • Thezzilt
  • Daursuyeks
  • Duphelassk
  • Agor Grulbingaulo


  • Can Kenku speak?

Kenkus was cursed and they lost the ability to speak. But they have an amazing power to mimic the sounds. To convey their ideas and agenda, they imitate sounds. They give sound effects. They can mimic sounds of rocks, waterfall, creatures, animals, birds, nature, etc.

  • Who cursed the Kenku?

Kirkus was cursed by their supreme vengeful god for their greedy nature. Hence they lost the power to speak.

  • Can Kenku be clerics?

Yes, the first thing that comes to mind about thinking of kinks as clerics is Acolyte. You can choose the background skills and proficiencies required for the character.

  • What class is best for Kenku?

Kirkus is good with various roles, they are available in different classes and subclasses. Most of them are good and magical, but clerics are the best ones.

Final Verdict

Kenku names suit various characters and all games. They fit every role. They make them more interesting and dynamic. To make your game more fun or your characters, here are some of the fantastic and unique kenku names for all your requirements.

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Aniket Jain

Hi there, My self Aniket Jain. A virtual SEO expert, content writer, and digital marketer. Works with lots of passion, hardly dedicated to what's best and what's next ✌️. Hope u all like my work ✌️

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