File Management: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF

Changes and improvements in our daily interactions have been drastic throughout the years because of the advancement of technology. Whether you are making a school project, essay, feasibility study, business report, sales update, or financial records, it has become digital nowadays. Everything can be done online. 

Teaching students in their earlier years the essential functions of our computer programs and identifying file formats are essential in today’s generation. Once they reach their professional level, they will be able to utilize these basics. Some might find it unnecessary, but organizing your files brings you one step higher towards your success.

Saving Files to the PDF format

A portable document format is one of the most used files, for it offers security and convenience. It also does not consume much space, for it is compact. One of the basics is learning how to convert Word to PDF. This process is also applicable in converting Excel and PowerPoint files to PDF format. It can be done while saving your file.

Click File, then Save As, then below the file name option is the save as type. Change Word to PDF then save. If you and your client are working on different devices, you can use PDF Bear. Just upload your file, and PDF Bear will do the converting. After seconds, your file will be ready for download. PDF files can be opened to almost all devices.

PDF to Different File Formats

Although PDFs provide convenient benefits, it is also a common problem with file management due to its less editable feature. This format is naturally less modifiable and is used more for sharing and printing. People tend to have difficulty in editing a file once saved as a PDF. PDF Bear offers a wide range of file conversions: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and JPG.

Similar to saving files to the PDF format, you can convert your PDF to other file formats by using PDF Bear. Drag your file to PDF converter, wait for a few seconds, then your file will be ready to download. PDF Bear can also be utilized to compress, merge, and split your PDF files depending on what you need. 

Online Storage: Google Drive

File Management can be done easily with your own desktop or laptop. But what if your storage runs full? Besides the fact that you cannot save more files, it also affects the speed and efficiency of your device. The same goes for smartphones. Despite having high GB storage, we still end up maximizing its capacity with the combination of files, photos, and videos. 

Elevate your storage level and improve its usability by uploading it to Google Drive. With this, you did not only help your device save some space, but you will also be able to use your files wherever and whenever you want. Especially for those who do not have their own printer, you can use Google Drive for printing and sharing. 

For better online storage you can also try SharePoint/OneDrive. Learn more about SharePoint Migration and Google Drive to OneDrive Migration.


Time Management is one of the secrets of many successful people. But how will you be able to effectively manage your time if you are not organized? Organizing your files does not only save time, but it also increases your productivity. File Management is usually taken for granted by some, ending up to a stagnant level of managing one’s self. 

As rapid as time has passed, technological advancements have also improved drastically. Adaptability is one of the most essential factors in survivability. In this modern digital world, where everything is done online, one must be able to cope up with the changes in technology and utilize its uses. Without that coping mechanism, one cannot survive. 

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Carmel Issac

I am absolutely in love with writing and by working with News Whizz, I have developed a passion for it. It helps me to stay updated and know what is happening around the globe.

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