5 simple ways to relieve stress and anxiety

Everyone experiences a different degree of stress and anxiety, as it is part of normal life. However, when stress piles up to an uncontrolled level, it can be dangerous and self-destructive. The same applies to anxiety; it can stop you from being your real-self even in situations that require your 100% concentration and ability to perform. Stress can bring down even the strongest people in the worst scenarios and reduce them to emotional wreckages. Prevalent signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety include sweating, trembling, increased heart rate, weakness, and unreasonably short-lived concentration lifespan.

Nevertheless, with the right help and lifestyle, you can put stress and anxiety levels in check. For instance, someone who engages in regular sports activities such as Deer hunting in Texas will hardly give in to stress. Hunting immerses the mind in the ambiance of nature, which changes perspectives and how we view things. Moreover, various affordable hunting ranches such as Squaw Mountain Ranch have the best hunting grounds to relieve stress.  Here are the other five ways of relieving stress and anxiety:

  • Eat healthily

It is important to note that stress is largely linked to the type of food we consume every day. When in a stressful situation, you might even skip meals without knowing. Later, it culminates in eating anything on the way, such as junk food, when the hunger is unbearable. Well, the brain needs a balanced diet to function optimally. Moreover, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids can help manage stress symptoms.

  • Listen to music

How easily do you connect to relaxing music, especially when stressed? Besides music, you can listen to recorded nature sounds if you aren’t in the proximity of a garden. Both music and nature sounds work magic to the brain and the body by lowering the blood pressure and reducing the stress-causing hormone, cortisol.

  • Gain enough sleep

While stress can lead to irregular sleeping patterns, lack of enough sleep can be more dangerous inasmuch as the brain’s vicious cycle is concerned. Any adult should sleep for at least six hours every day. While going to bed, it is important to eliminate any distractions such as light, music, or the television light. If you’re not having an early morning, you should consider turning the alarm off too.

  • Talk to a therapist

Another effective approach to dealing with stress is seeking professional assistance from a therapist, especially if you don’t have friends to talk to. An understanding therapist will instantly bond with you to share your problems and give that reassurance voice that your brain wants to hear. Most importantly, therapists stay until you regain a stable mental state, leading to a healthier, happier lifestyle.

  • Spend time with friends and family

The social support that comes from friends and family can go a long way in helping you feel better during stressful times. From the nearby society, you’ll notice that people with poor relationships are the ones who likely give in to stress and depression. Besides your local area, you can join various online community forums where people talk about their issues and laugh it out. That way, your mind will always find peace from such a connection.

Lastly, don’t forget to laugh hard if you get the opportunity. Scientific evidence proves that laughing enhances your response to stress and relieves body tension by relaxing the muscles.



Shashank Jain, founder of good-name, a young and energetic entrepreneur has always been fond of technology. His liking for technology made him go for engineering in computers. During his studies, he learned & worked on different computer languages & OS including HBCD, Linux, etc. He also has a keen interest in ethical hacking.

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