27 Funny Pregnancy Quotes

There is no need to highlight that pregnancy is the most beautiful time in a woman’s life. For this reason, our pregnancy quotes today will reflect the beauty and significance of this phenomenal event 27 Funny Pregnancy Quotes.

Though we keep on hammering on the beauty of pregnancy, it must also be highlighted that it the most stressful time in the life of a woman.

Even though you might be super excited and all geared up to welcome your new child in this world, help him/her grow, experiences the joys of being a mother, pregnancy can seem like a waiting game.

In addition to that, the various changes in your body can make you irritated and restless. Every day is a battle with the continued nausea, exhaustion, migraines, body aches, and much much more.

But keeping all these pains and agony aside, pregnancy is the time when ladies experience a new birth. After this phase, they are never the same. This change is remarkable and is experienced by all women.

After seeing the two pinks lines on the pregnancy test kit, or sometimes even sooner, mothers gear up to welcome their creation in the world. Of course, it is needless to say that not only the body but her heart and mind also goes through some types of changes.  A woman stops existing just for herself and starts preparing for life for two.

Given that she already faces a lot of trouble and pains to experience the joys for life, why not cheer her mood with some funny pregnant quotes?

27 Funny Pregnancy Quotes
27 Funny Pregnancy Quotes

However, it is important to keep in mind that she is hormonal at this moment. This is a Statutory Warning for the husbands! Never, I repeat NEVER antagonize your pregnant wife! You don’t know what all she is capable of now!

But keeping jokes aside, it is better to be prepared to handle her emotional breakdown. Giving birth to live is not a small thing. There are changes which will affect her emotionally and sometimes the only way you can cheer her up is through funny pregnancy quotes or with funny quotes about being pregnant.

Maybe you can cheer her up by keeping pregnancy quotes along with her breakfast every day when you leave for office. You can also get your hands on some pregnancy hormone quotes scribbled on the mirror in your bathroom.

Such little gestures will surely make her feel loved and of course, will keep her amused and happy. It’s worth giving it a shot especially when she will be going through such emotional turmoil.

Now that you have understood how these funny pregnancy quotes, funny quotes about being pregnant and pregnancy hormone quotes will work, where will you find these? The internet is flooding with it!!!!

But the best idea is to customize it yourself to let your girl have a laugh over it!!

Here are a few examples to draw inspiration from 27 Funny Pregnancy Quotes:

  • Everybody leave my wife alone. She has been very busy being pregnant today and will have to continue doing so for some good time.
  • She is living the summer motto life “ Bra off, Hair in a knot and Belly out”
  • Danger: Woman in Third Trimester
  • Third Trimester: A dangerous period when women turn into a werewolf.
  • It hurts even to laugh. She might be dying!
  • Give her space! She is giving birth to the prettiest child in the world that every mother has,
  • You might be in pain, but you are the only one who can have a cupcake whenever you want!!! Perks huh?
  • All months have 30 days. But my wife is living the 900th day of her 9 months. God Bless her!
  • You might not be glowing like a bulb, you sure look like one!
  • Don’t mind honey, but hobbit wants his shoes back!!
  • You are my superhero. You might be tired, weak, sweaty, red, hungry all the time. But you are my superhero.
  • Hey!  let her baby bump be. No touching it. No kissing it. No baby talking with it. My wife told me to tell you all.
  • Yes, she is pregnant, and there is the only baby in her. She wants to throat punch you now.
  • I know its rough honey, but you don’t need to make excuses to pee or eat! Isn’t that amazing!
  • Those are not just stretch marks, those are battle scars. You are my Kung fu Panda!
  • When I see you with your pot belly out, I feel that you are ready to have the baby.
  • To pee or not to pee? Of course pee! I will hold the door for you!
  • My wife’s superpower is Peezing! She can pee and sneeze at the same time. P.S she is pregnant.
  • My wife is in a fun mood. She wants to play the killing game today. Care to oblige?
  • She is still pregnant and no it’s not gas! Jesus you guys!
  • Though she has two brains in her body right now, she acts silly all the time these days. Please don’t tell her what I just told you! PLEASE!
  • She is not waddling. It’s her pregnancy swag!
  • Parenthood is the scariest “hood” you will ever be in.
  • They say heartburn during pregnancy means that the baby will be hairy. Going by what my wife has to say, I think we are having a Chewbacca.
  • My wife says being pregnant is sort of an occupational hazard of being the wife. I have got her covered well like a good employer though.
  • My wife is not Buddha, rubbing her baby bump will not get you wealth, health and prosperity. Gas, She might just blow out some gas, that’s all.
  • Yesterday I told my wife that I had a tough day in the office. She turned red and started yelling. Yes, she is pregnant.

Well, with all these funny pregnancy quotes, funny quotes about being pregnant and pregnancy hormone quote you are all set to keep your darling happy when she is going through such a challenging phase.

But while you have a blast with her and use these funny pregnancy quotes to keep her amused, always remember that she is going through a lot now. Understanding her pain will help, and for rookie times, there are always these funny quotes about being pregnant and pregnancy hormone quotes.

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Aniket Jain

Hi there, My self Aniket Jain. A virtual SEO expert, content writer, and digital marketer. Works with lots of passion, hardly dedicated to what's best and what's next ✌️. Hope u all like my work ✌️

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